Saturday, April 21, 2007

Easter 4-C

Call to Worship
We gather in the presence of God,
where grieving people
and children with skinned knees
have their tears wiped away
We gather with the people of God,
to worship the One
who provides what we need,
not just what we want.
We gather at the Table of God,
to feast on the goodness of God,
to drink from the cup of mercy.

Prayer of the Day
Lead us, God of Goodness:
lead us into those places
where we discover your mercy
waiting to nourish and restore
our famished souls.

Lead us, Gentle Shepherd:
lead us to those places
where we have the joy
of filling the emptiness of others,
because the table you have prepared
is to be shared with all.

Lead us, Mercy's Mother:
lead us on the right paths,
and down the streets
where we can do justice
for all wronged by the world;
lead us to the living waters,
where we can fill our selves
and then empty them for those
parched by pain and loss.

Lead us, God in Community, Holy in One,
as we pray as Jesus has taught us, saying,
Our Father . . .

Call to Reconciliation

We know the wrong turns we have taken, the poor choices that shape our lives, the mistakes that have hurt God and others. Let us confess our sins to the One who leads us into life, praying,

Unison Prayer of Confession
Taught by our culture to want everything, Comfort of the righteous, we confess that emptiness that sends us searching for still more. Our constant desire for greener pastures fills us with every lust and envy. Our belief that still waters are stagnant sends us thirsting for whitewater thrills and adventures. Our trust in the promises of the world turns us away from the shelter you offer.

Forgive us, Source of goodness and mercy. Call us back from our wayward lives, that we might find rest in your heart, healing from your hands, and unity in life together as disciples of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
Hear God's voice: I will walk with you in every moment; I fill you with my grace and hope; I know you and love you.
Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might belong to our God forever and ever! Amen.

(c) 2007 Thom M. Shuman