Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Easter 7-C

Call to Worship
We come to this place of prayer,
for here we can bring our hopes and dreams,
our hidden fears
and the doubts we wear on our sleeves
We come to this place of grace,
for here we learn compassion and joy,
and discover how deeply we are loved.
We come with these people
called the church,
to be blessed by the variety of gifts,
to live as one for our God.

Prayer of the Day
In your presence,
Creator of the Universe,
mountains melt into
muddy puddles
and stars whisper
your name to us.
Faithfulness and justice
are the scuffed shoes
you put on each morning,
clouds are your prayer shawl
in the evening.

When you could have
kept God's glory in your pocket,
Servant of the poor,
you took it out
and spent it on us.
Confident in that love
which was yours before
the world began spinning,
you came to walk
the dusty path of death.

Spirit of Blessing,
like a crossing guard
you keep your eyes on us
as we cross the busy streets of life,
ready to pull us out of the way
of oncoming sin.
You take us by the hand
to lead us to the shade
of the tree of life.

God in Community, Holy in One,
make us one Body from many individuals,
as we pray as Jesus teaches us, saying,
Our Father . . .

Call to Reconciliation
Plastic cards, shiny cars, brick and glass homes - what idols we fashion with our hands, how much energy and time serving them occupy our hearts! Let us confess how we have misplaced our priorities, and seek the One who asks us to be first in our lives.

Unison Prayer of Confession
Enslaved to sin, we cannot see the lives we lead, God of Glory. Each day, and every day, there are those times when we ignore you and your dreams for us. Each week, and every week, we find the time to ridicule others, when we could have affirmed them. Each moment, and every moment, though we do not want to admit it, we seek our own way rather than skipping down your path of joy and obedience.

We come asking forgiveness for our foolish lives, Eternal Blessing. Deliver us, and break the chains of sin and death which hold us captive. Open us to that grace you offer, and give us the gift of the Spirit so we may live as people of the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

Silence is observed

Assurance of Pardon
In the beginning was God, and at the end will be God, and in every moment in between, there
is God: creating, redeeming, sustaining us.
And through Christ, gracious love is poured into our empty souls; through the Spirit, peace becomes the gift we can share with those around us. Thanks be to God. Amen.

(c) 2007 Thom M. Shuman