Call to Worship
We gather in awe
standing in the presence of the One
who crafted the stars, the mountains, the seas.
We gather in faith,
trusting that the One who has held little children
holds our lives in the heart of God.
We gather in need,
seeking the One who longs for justice
to grace each and every person in creation.
Prayer of the Day
You stirred the dust
and created us for service;
you breathed into our lungs
so we could share your good news;
you shape our hearts
with the tools of compassion
so we will seek justice for all.
We thank you, God of gifts.
In the hospitality of Zaccheus,
we see your openness
for all who are different;
in the grumbling of his neighbors,
we hear the echoes
of our own prejudices and fears;
in his transformation
into a new person,
we see your grace
which is prepared for us.
We thank you,
Companion of the poor.
You cradle us in the peace
of the resting night;
you awaken us
with the light of dawn
and the warmth of your gentleness;
you walk with us
through each day,
nudging us to be that blessing
we are called to be to others.
We thank you,
Surprising Spirit.
God in Community, Holy in One,
we lift our thanks to you,
even as we pray as Jesus teaches,
Our Father. . .
Call to Reconciliation
How patient is God! We run around trying to do
everything our way, and God just waits. We try
to buy life and happiness, and God waits. We
hurt others and walk away from those in need,
and God waits. God waits, and upon hearing
our heartfelt prayers and cries for help, God
touches is with forgiveness and new life.
Come, join me as we pray to the One who
waits to hear - from us!
Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
Surrounded by so many seductions, Patient God, we
find it difficult to see you in our lives. Justice has a
hard time surviving when there is so much persecution
and affliction towards the little ones of the world.
Our neighborhoods, our families, even our churches,
are filled with strife and contention.
We cry for help, Listening God; forgive us! As we
wait for your grace to fill our lives, may we open our
hearts to your hope and healing, always giving thanks
for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
Rich, poor;young, old; sinner, saint.
We are all God's children, and God
transforms each of us into the people
we are meant to be.
Broken, we are mended;
separated from others, we are made one;
longing to serve, we are sent forth.
Thanks be to God, we are forgiven. Amen.
(c) 2007 Thom M. Shuman