Texts: Isaiah 43:16-21; Psalm 126: Philippians 3:4b-14; John 12:1-8
to Worship
L: Whatever God did in the past, the future is that much
(even in Jerusalem)
P: We will not stop looking for the
newness God has for us!
L: Whatever we have achieved to this point,
we have not completed our journey.
(even into the unknown).
P: We
will quicken our pace to follow Jesus wherever he leads.
L: Whatever
obstacles we put in the path,
God will make a way to our
(even in the desert of death)
P: We will move onward,
through our doubts and fears.
Prayer of the Day
Holy God, Water
you humble our pride,
so we might open
to your healing;
you restrain our fears,
so we might
for your joy.
Jesus Christ, Living Water:
gather up our tears
and wash away
the dust of our
you sit at our feet
and anoint us
with your
costly love;
you wipe away our sin
and make us new.
Spirit, Impudent Joy:
you grace us
with gifts so abundant
become a river
bursting its banks
in our lives.
in Community, Holy in One,
we lift our prayers and our joy to you,
even as
we pray as Jesus taught us:
Our Father . . .
Call to
Even now, God makes a way for us to be made whole. God wants
to bring us out
of despair and to fill our hearts with laughter. Please
join me as we pray
to the One who forgets our past to offer us a new
Unison Prayer of Confession
God, whose name is Grace: you
are always in the business of surprising us
with new lives, new dreams, new
hopes. But we are so busy opening up the
boxes where we have stored the
past, making sure that each item remains safe
and unbroken, that we do not
recognize what you are doing. We are so blinded
by the dull reflection of
our old habits, that we cannot see the fresh
chances which are given so
freely to us. Our senses are so deadened by our
desires that we cannot smell
the bouquet of joy that is in the air.
Forgive us, God of Joy. By your
mercy, mend our broken lives. You move
through us, rearranging the price
tags on everything we value, so we might
be able to let go of all that holds
us back from faithful living. Then we
can press on in following Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior, into that
kingdom of hope and
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
L: God comes to us
to give living water to thirsty people;
God comes to us to anoint us
with the grace that wipes away our sin;
God comes to fill us with
P: Our tears are turned into rivers of grace; our weeping becomes glad
cries of praise. Thanks be to God. Amen.
Great Prayer of
L: May the God who restores us be with you!
P: And also
with you!
L: Our God desires to fill us with grace and wonder.
P: We
lift our hearts to the One who longs for us
L: From brokenness, God would
make us well.
P: We sing glad songs to the One who touches us with
You made a way through chaos,
God of newness,
riding the
rapids through mountain gorges,
giving water to the deserts
life might spring forth.
You formed us for yourself,
so we might live
with you
in the wonders of creation.
But our tongues tingled
that first taste of sin and
as death filled our dreams
with promises
that would not be kept,
we made our way
into the middle of
You would not cling to
our former ways, but
sent the prophets
to tell us
of all the new things you
wanted to do for us,
but we did
not care for such words.
Then you sent Jesus to us
to restore us back to
So, forgetting what lies in the past,
we join our sisters and
in reaching out towards you
with glad songs on our
P: Holy, holy, holy, God who fills us with joy.
creation joins in honoring you.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blesses is the One who is always with us.
Hosanna in the
Forgetting what lay behind in glory,
Jesus pressed on in
coming to us
to make us his own sisters and brothers.
Find us
wandering the back of beyond,
he took us by the hand
to make a way
home to you;
sowing the tears of your heart
in the barrenness of our
he brought forth a harvest of hope;
he went to the
suffering the loss of all he held dear,
that we might gain
life with you.
As we remember the new spirit he brought,
as we
celebrate our heavenly call in him,
we proclaim the mystery we call
P: Christ died, that we might gain life;
Christ is risen,
that life might spring forth in us;
Christ will come again, carrying our
hopes to us.
Pour out your Spirit, Holy God,
on these simple gifts of
the Table
and on all who gather in your presence.
As we eat of the
you refresh us with life
so we might go to serve,
our hands
and hearts
overflowing with hope to others.
As we lift the cup to our
we are overwhelmed with
the aroma of servanthood,
and as we taste
your dreams
mingling with your tears,
our tongues tingle with
and we go out with shouts of joy
gathering up all your
to bring them home to you.
And when all time has
when our tears have turned
and our laments to loud cries of
we will sing our songs of wonder to you,
God in Community, Holy in
One. Amen.
© Thom M. Shuman