Texts: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35
Call to
Praise God, all people!
Praise the Lord, all
whales doing backflips in the air,
squid and octopi
dancing on the ocean floor;
giant redwoods stretching to the
tomato vines cuddling around a stake.
Mountains blocking the
moles tunneling through our front lawns;
sitting in a story-time circle,
grandparents singing 'their
Redbuds decorating our backyard,
grass growing faster than
our children;
seals getting a suntan on the rocks,
knotted together at church.
Praise the Lord, all creation!
God, all people!
Prayer of the Day
Vision-Giving God,
when you put
on skinned knees;
when you hold the hand
of a
grieving unrequited love;
when you wipe away the
of parents at graduation day:
you show us
your new
Brother to little children,
when you hang out
the world's outcasts;
when you stay a little longer
with those we
rush past;
when you will not take sides
in our petty little
you show us
the new earth.
Holy Spirit,
when you turn on
'no vacancy' sign
as death comes our way;
mourning becomes
a distant memory;
when pain is found
only in
dusty history books:
you show us
the new heaven.
God in Community,
Holy in One,
make us new,
as we pray as Jesus teaches, saying,
Father . . .
Call to Reconciliation
We show others who we are by the
lives we lead, the words we speak, the actions we undertake. Let us confess
how we have not been God's little children, when we fail to love as we have
been loved.
Unison Prayer of Confession
Who are we to get in your
way, Holy God? We put people into neat, little boxes, but you rip them
open, so folks can dance in your joy. We imprison others with our unmet
expectations, and you set them free with a Word. We build walls around those
we don't know, and you tear them down, so they can run wild in the
Who are we to get in your way, Saving Power, especially in the
way of your forgiveness offered to all! Give us your vision that sees
everyone as equal - forgiven, graced, loved - even as we seek to follow our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Silence is kept
Assurance of
L: We know who God is by the love shown to us in Christ Jesus.
We will show others who we are - and Whose we are - by the loved poured
by our lives. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen.
Great Prayer of
May God be with you.
And also with you.
children, lift your hearts to God.
We lift them to the One who loves us
Let us glorify the One who has raised Jesus to new life.
We sing praises to God, who makes all things new.
You commanded, Holy
and chaos yielded to your Word,
so all that is beautiful and
might be created by your grace.
The sun and moon were
so we would have days and nights
in which to praise
but we spent our time
denying your dreams for us,
living each
moment for ourselves.
You fixed the boundaries for your Garden,
where we
could have life and joy with you,
but we chose to play
the garbage dumps of sin.
You told the prophets to 'Go!'
to bring your
of healing and restoration,
but we thought them to be
standing on the edges of our lives.
When we had decided
have nothing to do with you,
you chose to become one of us,
calling, creating once again
through Jesus the Christ.
Therefore, with
those around the Throne,
and with those in every time and place,
we sing
our praises to you:
Holy, holy, holy, God who makes all things
The height, the depth, the breadth, the width of
creation praises you.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the
One who comes, the Alpha and Omega.
Hosanna in the highest!
are you, Creator of the Universe,
and blessed is Jesus, your Son, our
When he could have left us
to deal with sin and death on our
he came to live with us;
when he could have chosen
the path
to power and fame,
he walked the deadly road to Calvary;
when he
could have called down
the angels to save him,
he cried out for
for all your children.
When you could have left
alone and forsaken in the grave,
you graced him with new
So as we sing our Easter Alleluias,
we echo that mystery we call
Christ died, that death would be defeated.
Christ is
risen, that God would be glorified.
Christ will come again, that we
would be led to life.
Pour out your Spirit
upon this Bread and this
Cup, O God,
that they might become
your grace and peace for us,
we might become your servants
of hope and joy to our world.
As we
come to your Table,
remind us of your promises
that when the sea is no
you will flood us with your grace;
that when the earth is a
hollow husk,
you will walk with us
through the
of the New Jerusalem;
that when the sun, moon, and
have burned out in space,
the Light of your love
will shine for us forever.
And when we sit down
at the Feast of the
receiving grace from those we loved,
and passing it on to those we
until all people are served,
we will sing with one heart and
"Glory to the One who makes all things new - even us;
to the One who comes in the name of the Lord - for us;
Glory to the
One who makes no distinction - among us!'
Glory to God in Three
Persons, now and forever. Amen.
© Thom M. Shuman