Texts: Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19; Hebrews 11:29 - 12:2; Luke
Call to Worship
The One who commands the
calls us to be poured out for others.
We can, by
faith, be the waters of peace
which quench the fires of
The One who creates mercy and hope,
longs for a
world of fair play and grace.
We can, by faith, let righteousness
justice be our constant companions.
The One who is with
us in every moment
composes a love-song for our hearts.
can, by faith, teach this song
to everyone we meet.
Prayer of
the Day
Gracious God,
in the debris and litter of the world,
you clear
a place
where we can be planted:
your justice
which can bring
to the oppressed;
your righteousness
which can receive
even our
in peace.
Jesus Christ:
you break up
the stony
of our hearts,
so grace might be planted.
You take us by the
to lead us through
the waters of baptism,
so we can stand
the far shores
on your kingdom.
Holy Spirit,
early every
you are out ahead of us,
walking the paths of life,
away all the temptations
which would cause us
to stumble and
God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as Jesus
our Lord and Savior, has taught us, saying,
Our Father . .
Call to Reconciliation
Being human, we never find it easy to
ask for forgiveness. But as God's children, called to live in relationship with one another, we know we must speak of how we have hurt
others, so we might be forgiven and restored to new life. Please join me
as we pray to God, saying,
Unison Prayer of Confession
What more
can we say, Expectant God, that you don't know already? You long for
justice for all people, but it is washed away by the flood of violence in
our world. You hope that righteousness will walk with us, but you hear
the clear cries of those we mistreat. You ask us to speak up for those in
need, but we shut our mouths and turn away.
Forgive us, Righteous God.
Have mercy when we do not bear the fruit we could. Even though we have
not lived our faith to the fullest, may we receive the promises of hope
and grace you have given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Silence is
Assurance of Pardon
Shhh, listen! Can you hear
them? The saints of heaven - those who have gone on before
us - are cheering us on as we run towards the finish line of our faith.
Thanks be to God! The victory has already been
won for us in Jesus Christ. We are forgiven. Amen.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
May God be with you.
And also with
People of God, lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the
One whose heart is broken for us.
Offer your praises and
joy to the God who is our Creator.
We sing our love-songs to
the One who loves us and watches over us.
It is our greatest
to offer our thanks and praise to you,
God of all time.
At the dawn
of creation,
you sang your love-song:
covering mountains with cooling
directing the clouds to pour rain
upon the cedar
filling your garden of grace
with all the goodness we would
But longing for a view
of temptation's delights,
we chopped down
the hedges
surrounding Eden and protecting us,
and we were devoured
sin and death
You sent the prophets
to tend and nurture us,
pruning us
so we could bear
the fruit of justice and righteousness.
You took pity on
as we weakened ourselves by our pride,
and placed your hand upon
sending him to be strong for us.
Therefore, we lift our
thanksgiving to you,
joining our voices with the witnesses of every
echoing their glad songs of praise,
offering our hope to
Holy, holy, holy, Creator of the Vineyard.
By faith,
all creation cries out for your salvation.
Hosanna in the
Blessed is the One who comes to run with
the race which is set before him.
in the highest!
Holy are you, Shepherd of all people,
and blessed is
Jesus Christ,
your sign of hope and grace.
Surrounded by all the
he humbled himself,
coming to set the pace for us
in this
race we call life.
Worthy of all glory and praise,
he disregarded human
and died on the cross
that we might be given life.
Picking up
sin and death,
and tossing them aside,
he cleared the way to you,
we might enter your kingdom.
As we remember his death and
as we look for signs of his life in our time,
we receive
that mystery of faith
which is promised to us:
Christ died, the
perfecter of salvation;
Christ is risen, the pioneer of
Christ will come again, for the sake of our
Pour out your Holy Spirit
upon the gifts of the bread and
and upon those who, by faith,
come to your Table.
As we receive
these signs
of a grace we cannot see,
may we be transformed
into signs
of peace and hope
for our time.
As we taste the broken Bread,
may we
draw strength
to serve a shattered world.
As we drink of the gift of
may we become robust
in our giving to others.
As we open our
hands to you,
may we go to hand out justice
to the lost, the little, the
Then, when we are no longer divided,
but all people are
around the Feast of the Lamb,
we will never turn away from
but will sing our songs of love
to you through all eternity,
in Community, Holy in One,
forever and ever. Amen.
(c) Thom M. Shuman