Texts: Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians
12:1-11; John 2:1-11
Call to Worship
We come this day, Precious God,
as people in need of your steadfast love:
with you is the fountain of life;
in your Light we see light.
We gather this day, Water-changing God,
as people looking for signs:
with you is the fountain of grace;
in your Hope we see hope.
We worship this day, Gifting God,
as people who confess Jesus as our Lord:
with you is the fountain of joy;
in your Life we see life.
Prayer of the Day
With you, Enduring Joy,
we find our refuge.
In the shelter of your compassion,
we are made whole;
in the abundance of your grace,
we are fed;
in the depths of your living waters,
we are transfigured into new people.
With you, Revealer of Glory,
we are filled to the brim.
Our lips cannot contain your praise;
our hearts overflow with your spirit;
our lives are poured out for others.
Activating Spirit,
we find our common life
in this community of faith.
United by a common confession,
we take our uncommon gifts
and share them
in serving all people.
Same in love, same in grace,
God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as Jesus taught us, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)
We come this day, Precious God,
as people in need of your steadfast love:
with you is the fountain of life;
in your Light we see light.
We gather this day, Water-changing God,
as people looking for signs:
with you is the fountain of grace;
in your Hope we see hope.
We worship this day, Gifting God,
as people who confess Jesus as our Lord:
with you is the fountain of joy;
in your Life we see life.
Prayer of the Day
With you, Enduring Joy,
we find our refuge.
In the shelter of your compassion,
we are made whole;
in the abundance of your grace,
we are fed;
in the depths of your living waters,
we are transfigured into new people.
With you, Revealer of Glory,
we are filled to the brim.
Our lips cannot contain your praise;
our hearts overflow with your spirit;
our lives are poured out for others.
Activating Spirit,
we find our common life
in this community of faith.
United by a common confession,
we take our uncommon gifts
and share them
in serving all people.
Same in love, same in grace,
God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as Jesus taught us, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)
Call to Reconciliation
We cannot claim ignorance of our sins, for we know how we have not lived as God's
people. But God refuses to forsake us, waiting to forgive us and call us as God's
children. Please join me as we pray, saying,
Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
Delight of the Ages, we cannot remain silent, but must speak of the ways we misuse your gifts. In our desire to have more and more, we cause more damage to your good creation. In our obsession with ourselves, we have desolated that lives of those around us. When we hoard what you have given us, we cannot be a blessing to other people.
Forgive us, Restless God, so we might be restored to life. May your steadfast love save and strengthen us to share our gifts with others, even as you have shared the Gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
God delights in you. So much, that God will not rest until you are at peace. God will not remain silent, but will call you by name: 'My Delight.'
God's steadfast love extends to the heavens, and reaches down to touch our hearts. Thanks be to God who forgives and saves us! Amen.
Prayer of
we believe the gifts we offer do not matter.
But when they are combined with all the other gifts – of healing, of
hope, of compassion, of your heart – they can become rivers of grace and
justice flowing through the lives of everyone around us. We offer our gifts to you in this hope, as we
pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Great Prayer of
the God of steadfast love be with you!
And also with you!
we will find refuge in our God.
Here, our hearts may be
offered for healing and hope.
us feast on the abundance of God’s grace.
We will sing glad songs
as we come to this Table.
could not rest, Steadfast Love,
creation had emerged from chaos;
would not keep silent
spoke the Word which
placed the sun like a burning torch,
caused the moon to shine like the dawn,
crowned the night sky with stars.
in your image, you delighted in us,
but we forsook you for sin,
moving into the neighborhood called
came repeatedly, to remind us
your never-ending delight in us,
but we thought their words
were of no concern to us.
you sent your Child to us,
One who would fill us
the brim with your gracious hope.
with our sisters and brothers around us,
the midst of the richness of your gifts,
celebrate your steadfast love for us:
Holy, holy, holy are
you, Refuge of our hearts.
All creation sings of
your glory.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the One who
is the same Lord of all.
Hosanna in the highest!
are you, Light in whom we see light,
Jesus is your vindication for all to see.
could have rested in glory,
but came hurrying to gather
us up in your grace.
could have remained silent in disapproval,
but spoke over and over
of your steadfast love for us.
could have joined the world
calling us all sorts of names,
but whispered that we are
your beloved children.
could have forsaken us,
but went into death’s desolation,
so you would rejoice over him
on Resurrection’s morning.
we remember the life he led and offered to all,
we look for signs of his presence in our midst,
would proclaim that mystery we call faith:
Christ died, faithful
to the very end;
Christ was raised, your
righteousness drawn
out of the depths of death;
Christ will come, so we
will no longer be alone.
same Spirit which moved over the waters
now poured out over the gifts
the bread and the cup, created from
rich variety of creation’s gifts.
bread, though broken,
us to be your people,
who will not remain silent,
but will confront injustice;
who will not rest until
all the broken are healed.
cup, dipped into grace’s river
handed to us, sends us forth
be a fountain of life,
where empty longings might
be filled with love;
where desolation might be
replaced with hope.
when, at the end of all time,
are gathered in Beulah land,
will be seated with our sisters
brothers at your Feast,
we will discover you have save
best until then, as we sing to you,
in Community, Holy in One. Amen.
sends us out to the lonely, the forsaken.
We will go to gather
them up into the heart of love.
sends us out to throw a party for those
nibble at the stale crusts offered by the world.
We will go to sit with
those who have no family,
to fill their lives
with hope and grace.
Spirit sends us forth, as transformed people,
those who have been given new names.
We will go to those
sunk deep in the muck of life,
Who long for new days,
for new joy, for new wonder.
2016 Thom M. Shuman