Texts: Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22; Psalm 124; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50
Call to Worship
We have walked with you, O God,
from many
parts of the world to this time and place.
And we will walk
with you, O God,
into the world to serve all people.
into the world to serve all people.
leave behind our old securities;
we leave behind our reliance on
worldly goods.
And we will walk with you, O God,
into the world to live with all people.
into the world to live with all people.
We leave behind all which holds us
we leave behind all which keeps us from following
And we will walk with you, O God,
into the world to work with all people.
into the world to work with all people.
We leave behind the fears which bind us;
we leave behind the hurts which damage us.
And we will walk
with you, O God,
into the peace you offer to all people.
Prayer of the Day
into the peace you offer to all people.
Prayer of the Day
Wherever the stories of Jesus are
wherever gifts are offered in service,
wherever hope is a part of
wherever songs of joy are sung,
in every land, in every
in every village, and every place:
Bless to us, O God,
tenderness of your heart.
Bless to us, Christ of Peace,
the path which
people walk
seeking to follow you:
worn smooth by the feet of
yet still rocky in places;
the destination unknown to
yet the way to life and hope.
Bless to us, Salty
the companions you give to us:
mentors and
curmudgeons and gigglers,
builders and
brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles;
neighbors and
who gather in dusty villages
and centers of power
to feast
on the goodness of your grace.
God in Community, Holy in One,
give us
your peace, as we pray
as Jesus has taught us, saying,
(The Lord's Prayer)
Call to Reconciliation
Sometimes our words and actions show
how we are salt for the world. But then come those moments when we lose
our flavor and our way. Let us confess our sins to our God, so we might be
restored and forgiven.
Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
Called to be your people, Living God - why do we find it so hard to answer? You ask us to speak out against injustice, and we whisper because we are afraid someone might hear us. You ask us to see the pain and poverty around us, but we close our eyes. You tell us that everyone, and each one, is created in your image, yet we persist in noticing the differences between us and others.
Forgive us, God of the Past and Creator of the Future. May we be the ones who go out into the world, bearing your gifts of peace, of hope, of healing, of joy to every one who is broken, even as we have been made whole through the gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Called to be your people, Living God - why do we find it so hard to answer? You ask us to speak out against injustice, and we whisper because we are afraid someone might hear us. You ask us to see the pain and poverty around us, but we close our eyes. You tell us that everyone, and each one, is created in your image, yet we persist in noticing the differences between us and others.
Forgive us, God of the Past and Creator of the Future. May we be the ones who go out into the world, bearing your gifts of peace, of hope, of healing, of joy to every one who is broken, even as we have been made whole through the gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
by the healing hands of our Lord, filled with the grace of our
God, led by the compassion of the Holy Spirit, our hearts
are opened and we discover we are forgiven and at peace with
Those who are created to love the unlovable; those who
are created to bear grace; those who are created to embrace all
people: we receive our forgiveness, giving thanks to our
God. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication/Offertory
May we open our hearts and offer our gifts to others so, that as the hungry are fed, the homeless are housed, the grieving are comforted, and the lost are led home, may they bring healing to your heart which breaks at all the brokenness in our world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
My beloved sisters and
brothers, may the Lord be with you.
And also with
My beloved brothers and sisters, lift up your
Our hearts are lifted high to God.
Beloved of
God, let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
Thanksgiving is
in our hearts, and praise is on our lips.
It is our hearts
true longing
to praise and glorify you,
God of all glory.
You shaped us
in your image,
so we might reflect your grace;
you breathed the Spirit
into us,
so we might live your hope.
But we were wiser than you
and so
chose another path.
You spoke to our grandparents of the faith
in a shrub
burning with the cries of captives;
in the thunder of stuttering
in the still, small voice of a weeping mother.
Yet we persisted
in our stubbornness,
hardening our hearts towards you.
And so, you
whispered to us one morning
in the borning cries of a Child
in the dirt
and grime of a stable.
Therefore, we join our voices
with our
sisters and brothers in all the world,
and with those of every
singing songs of joy to your heart:
We adore you, Holy God,
in all the congregations of the world,
and we bless you, for by the gift of Christ,
you have redeemed all creation.
praise you in this congregation, Holy God,
and bless your Son, Jesus our
Stamped with your image,
he walked among us
so we could see who
we could become.
When he spoke your Word of peace,
he shattered the walls
of war and violence.
When he was offered the easy way out
of his suffering
and death,
he carried his integrity to Calvary,
where he was broken to
make us whole,
where he died so we might live with you.
We remember,
and in remembering,
we would tell others of your wonderful love,
and would
be peacemakers for the world,
even as we live out that mystery we call
Christ died, so peace might be our companion;
Christ has been raised, so life might be our eternal promise;
Christ will come again, to take us to God's glory.
Pour out the Spirit of the Prince
of Peace
not only on us
and the gifts of the bread and the cup,
but on
all your children throughout the world:
who gather around war-scarred
and at the tailgates of humvees
to pass the Bread of Life
from hand to hand
until all the hungry are fed;
and who stand on both
of those walls built of our fears and hurts
and dare to offer
the Cup of peace
to those known only as 'the enemy'
unto all are
and embrace one another in love.
Through your Son, Jesus,
who is our peace;
through the Spirit, who empowers us to be weak;
we honor
and glorify your hopes
for all people in all creation,
Great God our hope
and our joy,
now and forever. Amen.
May God walk with you this day,
as we seek to walk with the lonely and afraid.
May Jesus walk with you this day,
as we follow Jesus, leaving all our fears behind us.
May the Holy Spirit walk with you this day,
as we go to serve all who have been tossed aside by the world.
(c) Thom M. Shuman