Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Liturgy w/communion for September 6, 2020 (Pentecost 14/Trinity 13/Proper 18/Ordinary 23 - A)

Texts:  Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 149; Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20

Call to Worship
When two or three gather, Christ lives in every moment,
where two or three gather,
Christ is present with them.       
Where two or three gather to worship God,
glad songs of praise are lifted,
hearts are filled with hope.
When two or three gather to serve God's creation,
Christ is feeding the hungry,
Christ is building shelters of peace.

Prayer of the Day
When we hold out our hands
to be cuffed by loneliness,
you clasp our wrists
to pull us into your heart.
When our lives are shattered
by the injustices done to those
passed over by the world,
your love puts us back together,
so we can serve them with your hope.
Emancipating God,
we praise you!

When we would build walls
between us and our neighbors,
you come to be the welcoming gate.
When we would curse someone
who has hurt us in our souls,
you sing us songs of blessing.
When we would focus only
on our needs and our desires,
you hand us the dinnerware
and ask us to set the Table.
Ever-near Salvation,
we would follow you!

When we would feed on
our bitter brokenness,
you would offer us
the Bread of reconciliation.
When we would grasp
the Cup of peace,
and drink it to the last drop,
you whisper, 'offer some
to those you don't like.'
Liberating Spirit,
we would be filled with you!

God in Community, Holy in One,
free us of all fears and doubts,
as we pray as Jesus has taught us,
(The Lord’s Supper)

Call to Reconciliation
All we are called to do is to love - everyone.  Yet, as simple as it sounds, by our actions and our words, we show how difficult a task it is.  Let us confess our failings as we pray together, saying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
  You do not ask much of us, Guardian of hope - to love, to serve, to welcome.  Yet, too often, it is words of bitterness we speak to friends and family.  It is our stiff-with-judgment backs we offer to those looking for help.  It is our hardened hearts people find, when they reach out, hoping to touch grace.
    Love lived as Compassion, forgive us.  We are broken, so make us whole through the life of Christ.  We are empty of peace, so fill us the reconciling Spirit of Christ.  We are alone, so take us by the hand and lead us into your kingdom of joy and grace, brought to us through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
Gathered as God's people, we hear the good news:  God has forgiven us, God has made us whole, God sends us to serve.
We will not wear jealousy or resentment but put on the garments of peace and hope.  We are forgiven by our God.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
May our gifts go forth into our world, so that where people hunger, they may be fed; where there is war, peace might be welcomed; where families are broken, they may be made whole.  Then others will be as blessed as we have been by your love, grace, and compassion.  In Jesus' name, we offer our gifts and this prayer of gratitude.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May God be with you!
And also with you!
People of God, open your hearts.
We open them to the One who feeds
  us with freedom and hope.
Children of God, sings songs of thanksgiving
  to the One who journeys with you.
Graced with abundant life, we join our hearts
  and voices in praise to our loving God!

The moment you spoke
and liberated chaos, Holy God,
time marked the beginning
of created beauty and glory.
You watered earth with tears of joy,
planting those seeds of hope and peace
so we might be fed by your heart.
But asked to simply be your children,
we could not obey that request,
but wandered off to feast
at the table groaning with lies and curses.
Your gracious word was sung
in new ways by the prophets,
but we tuned them out,
so we could listen
to the seductive songs of sin.
You sent us your hope
in Jesus Christ,
who came to set us free
and bring us home from
our exile in rebellion.

So, with those who longed for your coming,
packed and ready to journey into freedom,
we sing our praises in the company of our
sisters and brothers from every time:

Holy! Holy! Holy!  Living God of grace!
All creation echoes your praise:
   creatures roaming the fields,
   dolphins splashing in the seas,
   eagles soaring in the bright sky.

Glory to you forever and ever,
God of the captives!

You are righteousness, God our Deliverer,
and blessed is Jesus Christ, your Child, our Brother.
Because we break your heart
with our words and deeds,
he came to shatter the chains
of our arrogance and selfishness.
Because we have become gluttons,
feasting on bitterness and fear,
he came to be the sweet Bread
of healing and hope.
Because we become drunk
on sin's soured wine,
he came to be salvation
poured into our parched souls.
Because death smiles at us,
waiting with open arms,
he came to gather us up
in the embrace of grace and life,
carrying us out of the empty tomb
into your life of joy forever.

As you have prepared this Table for us,
gather us as your children,
so we might remember all the promises fulfilled
to us in Christ our Lord:

When we eat of the Bread,
    Christ's life strengthens us;
when we drink from the Cup,
    Christ's Spirit nourishes us;
when we go to serve others,
    we proclaim Christ's death
    until he returns in glory.

As you bless the gifts
of the Bread and the Cup,
anoint us with your Spirit
which brings us together.
As your grace touches our lips
with hope and healing,
may we reach out our hands
to set free those captive to injustice.
As your peace is poured
into the empty corners of our hearts,
may we go forth to love
others as much as we love ourselves,
and to serve them
as we show our love for you.

And when time has marked the end of history,
and we gather with all our sisters and brothers,
all division done away with, all brokenness healed,
all barriers pulled down, and all your children set free from despair,
we will join our hands and hearts around your Table of eternity,
singing praise through forever:

Glory to you, Liberating God!
Alleluia to you, Christ our Servant!
Thanks to you, Spirit of Peace!
Now and forever.  Amen.

Go now to the people who are overwhelmed by despair.
We will take the hope which has been given to us and share it with all.
Go now to those who are at odds with neighbors.
We will offer the peace and reconciliation which God has poured into our lives.
Go now to those who are the most vulnerable in our world.
We will bring the healing, the grace, the love of our God.

(c) Thom M. Shuman