Sunday, February 19, 2023

Liturgy w/communion for February 26, 2023 (Lent 1 - A)

Texts: Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7; Psalm 32; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11

Litany for Lent
L: O Christ,
led by the Spirit
to wander temptation's wilderness,
you show us how
to turn our backs
on the wrong ways of the world,
so we can follow you faithfully:
P: Walk with us, Lord Jesus.
L: O Christ,
Wellspring of wonder,
you let go of your glory,
so you might hold
our shattered hearts.
P: Cradle us, Lord Jesus.
L: O Christ,
grace-full and truth-full,
you empty yourself
to fill us with the bread
which makes us whole,
with the living waters
which burst the banks
of our faded dreams.
P: Fill us, Lord Jesus.
L: O Christ,
Shatterer of sin's deathgrip,
into our despair, you bring hope;
in our fear, you come with peace;
in our loneliness, you become our sibling.
P: Save us, Lord Jesus.
L: Jesus Christ, Lamb of God
P: have mercy on us.
L: Lamb of God, who takes awa
the sins of the world:
P: pour our your grace upon us
L: Jesus Christ, gift of salvation:
P: grant us your peace.

Silence is kept

L: You hold nothing, nothing!
back from us, Gardener of Grace.
Your very self came to us,
your very heart was broken for us,
your life was poured out for us,
in Jesus, our Brother, our Savior.

We seek to do your will,
to share your truth,
to sing of your faithfulness,
to proclaim the good news,
as we follow Jesus
into the wonder of your kingdom,
praying as he taught us, saying,
(The Lord's Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
Like a parent, God seeks to set boundaries for the children of God. And, like children, we are stubborn enough to want to do things our own way. So, we become easy prey for the evil one. But Jesus, our Sibling, shows us how to find the will, the strength, to resist and to know the mercy of God. Together, let us confess our sins, so God might fill us with hope and joy.

Unison Prayer for Forgivness
   God of Eden's morning, we know that Lent is a hard time for us. In a culture which showcases  success, you call us to sacrifice ourselves for others. In a world which promotes power, you invite us to deny ourselves. In a society which encourages us to 'feel good,' you point us to the struggles of siblings, the burdens others bear.
   By your mercy, forgive us, Hope of our lives. Remind us that as we journey with Jesus, we learn 
the steps of discipleship. As we listen to his call to obedience, may we learn how to say 'no' to all 
that tempts us. As we see his suffering, may we live out the good news which has come to us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon

L: By ourselves, we would be easily controlled
by sin and temptation. But God has given us
the free gift of grace, and so we are set free
to live as disciples.
P: This is the gift which brings us hope;
this is the gift which brings us joy;
this is the gift which brings us life.
Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
May the privileged always share with the forgotten, may the powerful learn the grace of humility, and may our generosity reveal our gratitude for all the blessings we have been given so we can share them with others.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
L: The Lamb of God be with you!
P: and also with you!
L: All who search for God, lift your hearts.
P: We offer them to the One who comes searching for us in the
wilderness of life.
L: People of God, sing praises to the Lord.
P: We worship our God, and will serve God alone.

You tilled the barrenness
of chaos, Gardener of Genesis,
freely giving life to all
that is good and beautiful.
Shade trees with ripe fruity,
flowing streams, and creeping things,
skies bright with your joy,
clouds scudding across your hopes -
all were formed for our safe keeping.
But what was a delight in your eyes,
was a disappointment in ours,
and so we looked to the world,
finding the bread which
cannot fill our emptiness,
drinking from temptation's cup,
which only increases our thirst.
You sent the prophets
to lead us out of our wilderness,
but we clung to the rocks
which gave us no foundation.
Then you sent Jesus,
to carry the free gift of grace
into our hearts.

Therefore, with all those
who have journeyed with you
in every time and place,
we lift our glad cries of deliverance:

Sung: Creator of the stars of night,
Your people's everlasting light,
O Christ, Redeemer of us all,
We pray you hear us when we call.

Holy are you, God of goodness and glory,
and blessed is Jesus Christ, your Holy Child.
Fluent in the language of grace,
he speaks to us of
your steadfast love for us;
passing every test and temptation
offered to him,
he teaches us
obedience and faithfulness;
willing to be the one
to carry the sins of others,
he went to the cross,
faithfully serving only you,
even into suffering and death.

Risen in glory from the grave,
he welcomes us to this Table,
even as we sing of that mystery called faith:

Sung: At your great name, O Jesus, now
All knees must bend, all hearts must bow:
All things on earth with one accord,
Like those in heaven, shall call you Lord.

Pour out your Spirit
upon the bread and the cup,
and upon your children
gathered around this Table.
As we turn towards Jerusalem,
may we reject the temptation
to focus only on ourselves,
but engage in
radical acts of obedience:
feeding the hungry around us,
nurturing the children left behind,
comforting the lonely and ignored,
picking up the brokenness
and restoring our world
with your peace and reconciliation.

Then, when our journey has ended,
and we are surrounding your Table in glory,
we will welcome our family and friends,
as we share peace with our enemies,
singing through all eternity
of the One who has brought us home:

Sung: To God the Father, God the Son,
And God the Spirit, Three in One,
Praise, honor, might, and glory be
From age to age eternally. Amen.

(sung responses are from a Latin hymn
dating back to the 9th century "Creator
of the Stars of Night")

L: with the bread which is broken,
P: we will go forth to bring healing to the brokenness of our world.
L: with the cup of grace poured into us,
P: we will go out to share hope and justice with our siblings.
L: with the life which is planted in us,
P: we will go forth to serve all the forgotten of our communities.

(c) Thom M. Shuman