Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Liturgy w/communion for September 15, 2024 (Pentecost 17/Trinity 16/Proper 19/Ordinary 24 - B)

 Texts: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19;  James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38

 Call to Worship
We are not our own:
so, neither our will nor our wisdom
should get in the way of God's hopes for us.
We are not on our own:
so, we should not choose what is easiest
or the most gratifying way to live.
We are not our own, we are God's:
so, let us choose to live for God,
and serve all of God's children.
We are not on our own,
as we walk the streets of God's kingdom:
so, as far as is possible, we will forget ourselves
and follow Jesus Christ.

Prayer of the Day
All around us, O God,
creation preaches a silent sermon
about your glory.
The full, orange moon
declares your constant watchfulness;
the early morning mist over a schoolyard
speaks of your steadfast love;
the cool breeze through slowly changing leaves
whispers of your grace.

Holy Jesus,
you ask questions
which turn us speechless;
you tell us things about yourself
we imagine we need to correct;
you offer us a way of life
we dare not refuse.

Spirit of Wisdom,
you stand in the midst
of rush hour traffic
crying out to us
about our fascination with foolishness
and stretch out your hand
to point to the One
who walks towards us
offering a cross.

God in Community, Holy in One,
in this time together,
may we hear you in the silence and the songs,
and discover you in the people around us,
even as we pray as Jesus teaches us, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
We all make mistakes, many of them. We hurt ourselves, we hurt others, we hurt God with our words and deeds, with our silence and inaction. Let us confess to God our sins, trusting in the One who blesses us with mercy.

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
     Spring of Wisdom, we confess that we have not denied ourselves and followed. We turn our backs on your outstretched hands of grace, and stumble into the arms of the world. We speak poisonous gossip about others, rather than tell of their glory as your child. We fire off words that find no rest until they pierce another's heart.
     Forgive us, Rock and Redeemer. Give us speech which flows like cool water through another's parched spirit; give us silence with which to witness your wonders; give us words to proclaim Jesus is the Christ, our Lord and our Savior, the One who leads us to life.

 Silence is kept

 Assurance of Pardon
With gentleness, God speaks to us;
with graciousness, God forgives us;
with joy, God embraces us.
With our lips, we praise God;
with our words, we thank God;
with our silence, we find God
in our hearts. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
All around us, we are reminded that we are not on our own, but our lives intersect with the poor, the hungry, the hopeless, our sisters and brothers.  As we seek to follow you, may we share from the abundance you have poured out upon us, so all might experience your grace and life.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of glory be with you.
And also with you.
Lift your hearts to the One who whispers hope and grace to you.
Our hearts rejoice in the wonder of God.
Sing glad songs of praise to God.
We join all creation in proclaiming God's giftedness.

The heavens tell the story,
God of glory and wonder,
of how your Wisdom moved
and the waters churned with life;
of how your Word danced
through the fields of creation,
the valleys and mountains
singing their praise to the end of the world.
You stood at the corner of grace and hope,
calling us to play with you in Eden,
but we refused, turning our backs
as we raced down the dim alleys
of temptation and seduction.
Your prophets came among us,
with words of sound advice,
but we ignored them, our ears
stuffed with the siren songs of sin.
So you sent Jesus to us,
to teach us the cost of redemption,
the suffering he would endure
that we might have life with you.

Now, with the wayward and the foolish,
with the wise and the faithful of every time,
we lift our voices to you:

Holy, holy, holy are you, God our Rock and Redeemer.
All creation proclaims your glory.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who cries aloud in the streets 
      of your redeeming love.
Hosanna in the highest!

Holy are you, True God of all life,
and blessed is Jesus, your Anointed Child.
He came to us,
standing in village squares
to declare your good news for all,
walking the streets of the city,
to call us to follow him.
Though we smack his hands away,
he continues to stretch them out to us,
the Friend and Companion
our hearts yearn for in every moment.
Despised by those who didn't understand,
rejected by those closest to him,
he took up his cross
and followed you into death,
where you raised him to new life,
that we might know him for who he truly is.

As we give thanks for his life and death,
as we celebrate his ministry and resurrection,
we speak of that mystery we call faith:

Christ died, losing his life for our sake;
Christ was raised, taming death's poison;
Christ will come, that we may proclaim his name.

Here, in these moments, and in this place,
pour out your Spirit of life and hope
upon the wayward and the foolish,
on the wise and the faithful,
who are gathered around your Table,
and upon the gifts of the bread and cup.
As the healing touch of the bread of life
rests upon our tongues and hearts,
may we use them as a blessing,
speaking words of hope and grace,
becoming the voice of those ignored
by the powerful of our world.
As the taste of the cup of salvation
tingles deep within our souls,
may we go to take up our crosses,
following Jesus into service and sacrifice
to all made in your beloved likeness.

And when the Son of Man comes in your glory,
when we are gathered around the banquet in the kingdom,
we will join our voices with our sisters and brothers,
singing of your grace, your peace, your love forever and ever,
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.

Go now with God:
who covers us with tender mercies;
Go now with Christ our Lord:
who is our good companion;
Go now with the Spirit:
who gives us good food at the Table
and living water to nourish us.
Go knowing that God will direct your path:
bringing us joy and delight
as we continue on our journey of faith.

(c) Thom M. Shuman