Sunday, February 09, 2025

Liturgy w/communion for February 16, 2025 (6th Sunday after the Epiphany)

  Texts:  Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26

Call to Worship
Blessed are those who trust - in God! 
We come in trust, to be grounded in God's love.
Blessed are those who hope - in God!
We come in hope, trusting in the One who gives us life.
Blessed are those who delight - in God's Word!
We come to hear God speak, hoping for healing and joy.

Prayer of the Day
God of our wonder,
Heart of creation:
we are blessed when
we feast on your Word:
     that Word which embraces us;
     that Word which teaches us;
     that Word which transfigures us;
     that Word which grounds us.
Give us your Word this, and every, day.
Jesus Christ,
Heart of God's children:
we are blessed when
we have your compassion:
     that heart for the poor;
         for the hungry;
         for those who weep;
         for those left out.
Give us your heart this, and every, day.

Holy Delight,
Grace's Heartbeat:
we bear fruit when
we overflow with your spirit:
     that spirit of generosity;
     that spirit of pouring ourselves out in service;
     that spirit of bearing another's burden.
Give us your spirit this, and every, day.

God in Community, Holy in One,
may our hearts beat as one with your heart,
even as we pray as Jesus has taught us,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
Now, if what we hear from the world is true, we would have no need to come before God. But in fact, the witness of scripture, and of the faithful, is true. God is to be trusted with every secret of our hearts, as well as offered our brokenness. Join me as we pray to the One who waits to forgive us.

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
     We confess what we are afraid to face, Blessing God, that the seductions of this world gnaw away at our hearts. We have more and more to choose from at the market, and so we forget those whose only choice is hunger. Our sense that we are your favorites causes us to make fun of those we are convinced are not. We are so consumed with saving enough for the future, we overlook those who have so little this day.
     Forgive us, Heartbroken God, for thinking we are the center of your world. Pour your living water into us, so we might send down roots deep into your heart, and so become those people who are blessings to others, as we have received the gift of new life from Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
Blessed are you: for God forgives you and restores you to new life. Rejoice in this day and dance for joy!
Thanks be to God! Our faith is true, and our hope is grounded in the promises of the One we can trust not only on this day, but in every day to come.  Amen.
Prayer of Dedication/Offering
You pour out your abundance on us, Loving God, as we can alleviate the sufferings of others, turn their woes into blessings, and their emptiness into overflowing grace and life.  Take the gifts we offer and use them in the work of your new life which is in our midst.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of blessings be with you!
And with you!
Let us lift our hearts to the One who plants us by living water.
We open our hearts, to be filled with God’s grace.
Let us sing glad songs to God, who takes delight in us.
We will sing of our blessings to the One we trust in all things.

You opened your heart,
God of every wonder,
and creation flowed forth
transforming chaos into a garden of delights:
     trees stretching to touch the sky,
     rivers tickling the floors of valleys,
     stars twinkling your message of joy
           to those staring into space.
Your Spirit of generosity offered
all these gifts to those shaped in your image,
     inviting us to picnic by the waters of life.
But we chose to sink our roots
in the sandy clay of sin and death,
     taking our places at the scoffers’ table.
You blessed the prophets with your words,
sending them to proclaim your healing words
     to all who would come and listen.
But when our hearts refused to budge,
you sent Jesus, your Hope, your Life
to become one of us.

Preparing to come to your Table,
we join our voices with all who delight
in you, in every place and time:

Holy, holy, holy are you, God who blesses.
All creation trusts in your goodness.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who has been raised from the dead.
Hosanna in the highest!

Holy are you, God of living waters,
and you bless us through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Gardener of your grace, he came,
     so we would not be like lonely
     desert shrubs with no relief.
Word of your heart, he spoke,
     blessing us as your beloved children.
Bearer of your life, he went
     into the unpitying arms of death,
     so we would not be imprisoned
     by sin forever.

As we remember the blessings he has brought to us,
as we recall the curses he endured for us,
we speak of that mystery we call faith:

Christ died, trusting himself to your love;
Christ is risen, so we can trust in resurrection faith;
Christ is with us, trusting us to proclaim the good news.

Here at this Table of life,
your spirit flows into the gifts
of the bread and the cup,
your grace, your joy, your peace
seeping and trickling into all gathered,
so we become trees planted by your waters,
     sharing your kingdom with the poor,
     feeding all who hunger,
     wiping away the tears of all who grieve,
     lifting up all despised by the world.

And when our journeys have ended in you,
gathered with our sisters and brothers
around the feast prepared for all time to come,
we will join in singing our praise to you,
God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

Grounded in God’s love, we are sent out
to share abundance with those who have so little.
Blessed with Jesus’ hope, we go forth
to fill the emptiness of those longing for justice.
Blessed with the Spirit’s delight, we dance into the world
to take the hands of our sisters and brother,
and gather at the edge of living waters for a picnic.

(c)  Thom M. Shuman

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Liturgy w/communion for February 9, 2025 (Fifth Sunday after Epiphany)

  Texts:  Isaiah 6:1-13; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11

Call to Worship
L:    It is by grace that we are who we are:
P:    people who are called by Jesus, yet fearful to follow.
L:    It is by God's grace that we can become followers:
P:    people who are fearful, yet gifted with courage beyond wonder.
L:    It is with God's grace that we become who we might be:
P:    people who step out in faith, sharing the good news generously.

Prayer of the Day
Holy God, by your grace:
you touch our fears
with the fire of your compassion;
you touch our brokenness
with the fire of your forgiveness;
you touch our hearts
with the fire of your love.

Jesus Christ, by your grace:
you step into our lives
and an unpredictable journey begins;
you challenge us to new thinking,
with overflowing results;
you so confront our doubts
that we can cast away our fears.

Holy Spirit, by your grace:
you give us eyes
to see the emptiness of the world;
you give us ears
to hear the cries of the hungry;
you give us gifts
to bring hope and healing to all.

God in Community, Holy in One,
by your grace we are who we are,
your children, your people, your church,
praying together as Jesus has taught us, saying,
(The Lord's Prayer).

Call to Reconciliation
It is so simple to say, yet so difficult to live out - 'do not be afraid!'  Yet, whatever fear burdens us, God will lift from our souls.  Whatever foolishness we have uttered, God whispers mercy to us.  Whatever wrong we have done, God's forgiveness is poured out upon us.  I invite you to join with me as we pray to the One whose love is constant in every moment, in every place, of our lives.

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
   God of wonder and joy, we look in the mirror and do not see holiness reflected back.  We long to be sisters and brothers with others, but don't want to be an intrusion in our friends' lives.  We yearn to be more compassionate, yet it is often spite and malice we offer to someone else.  We are so busy listening to those internal i-pods, that we have trouble hearing the cries of loneliness coming from those around us.
   Forgive us, God who longs to be enthroned in our hearts.  You call us to different lives, so we might make a difference for all who hurt.  You invite us into your kingdom, so we might show the others the way.  You challenge us to take a risk by following Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, so we might become your children once again.

Silence is observed

Assurance of Pardon
L:  The One who alone is Holy became wholly human so we might see the face of grace.  The One who is seated in the heavens endured the cross so we might see the face of salvation.  This is our good news:  we are forgiven!
P:    By God's grace, with God's grace, we are who we are meant to be: forgiven, restored, called people.  Thanks be to God.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
God who alone is holy, we offer our gifts, our lives, our compassion, our service to others, and to your creation.  Bless all that we offer, so that we might be blessings of hope, peace, and grace.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
L:    May God be with you.
P:    And also with you.
L:    Beloved of God, lift up your hearts.
P:    We lift them to the One who knows us and loves us.
L:    Beloved of God, give thanks to the Lord our God.
P:    Our praise is continually offered to our Hope, our Trust, our God.

In that time when there was only You,
you walked in the midst of chaos,
shaping all that is good and beautiful.
In that place where there was only your Love, you stretched out your hands scooping up the dirt off earth's floors, shaping us in your image, breathing Spirit into our lungs.
In that silence where there was only your Hope, you called us to be your people, God of glory and wonder.
But the world sang its seductions,
sin called us to follow its despair,
death blinded us to the life you offered.
And so, pouting and stamping our feet
because you would not give us our way,
we turned away going down another path.
You would not pay attention
to our foolish tantrums,
nor would you leave us
in the grasp of death and sin,
trusting that if we encountered
the grace wrapped in your holiness,
we would turn to you in joy.

And so, believing that you have reached out and called us to service with you, and touched our lips with songs of hope, we join our voices with those who, in every time and in every place sing of your ways forever:

P:    I bind unto myself today
        your power, O God, to hold and lead,
        your eye to watch, your might to stay,
        your ear to hearken to my need,
        your wisdom, O my God, to teach,
        your hand to guide, your shield to ward,
        your living Word to give me speech,
        your heavenly host to be my guard.
            (The Breastplate of St. Patrick)

Holy are you, Sanctuary of our hearts,
and blessed is Jesus Christ, Word of joyous grace.
In that time when we had lost our way,
he called to us,
so we could follow him into your joy.
In that time when all hope had died,
he touched our lips
with the bright fire of your love.
In that time when death's cold grip
wrapped tightly around our hearts,
he came,
to surround us with your live.

While we cannot understand the mysteries of your wonder and grace, 
when we are called to Christ's side                                                                        
we can only cry, 'here we are; we will follow'
even as we hope for that faith which was his.

P:    We adore you, Lord Jesus Christ,
        in all the churches of the whole world,
        and we bless you, for by means of your holy cross
        you have redeemed the world.
            (Francis of Assisi)

In this time of silence, Spirit of God,
may this bread which is broken
become our wholeness.
In this time of grace,
may this cup which is poured
touch our lips with healing.
In this time when we feel the brush
of your fingertips caressing us,
may we believe that your justice and peace are to be shared with all people; that our hearts can bear the burdens of others; that we may bring joy to the lonely and suffering.

Then, when our journey is ended,
and we have followed you into eternity,
we will gather around your Table
in that silence, which is only your grace;                                                           
in that place, which is only your heart;
in that time, which is only your love,
God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

L: Filled with God's grace, we will go,
P: to share hope with those in despair,
    to befriend the lonely and afraid.
L: Filled with God's grace, we will follow Jesus,
P: to offer justice to those forgotten by the world,
    to embrace those filled with grief and loss.
L: Filled with God's grace, we are empowered by the Spirit,
P: to bring peace into all the brokenness around us,
    to walk in faith beside our sisters and brother.

(c) Thom M. Shuman

Monday, January 27, 2025

Liturgy w/communion for February 2, 2025 (Fourth Sunday after Epiphany)

 Texts: Jeremiah 1:4-10; Psalm 71:1-6; I Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30

Call to Worship
With powerful words and dramatic gestures,
with a quiet conversation and a gentle touch,
we respond to God’s call to offer
healing and hope to our world.
With courage to face the injustices around us,
with the willingness to go into the brokenness,
we fulfill the call of Jesus
to engage in faithful obedience.
With the patience of a teacher of six-year-olds,
with the gentleness of a nurse helping a patient,
we become the Spirit’s refuge
for all who live in worry and fear.

Prayer of the Day
In you, God of love,
we find that panic room
when our terrors try to
break down the doors of our hearts.
In you,
we discover the patience
to keep our expectations
from getting in the way
of the fulfillment of your kingdom.

With you, Child of our hearts,
we find the One we have leaned on
every step of our uncertain journey
even when we thought we walked alone.
With you,
we discern the passion to speak up
for the voiceless and the forgotten
who are all around us.

Through you, Gentle Spirit,
we can offer a hand
to partner with those trapped
in the tight grasp of oppression.
Through you,
we can catch on to the arrogance
which too often is our attitude
and replace it with your humility.

In you, with you, through you,
God in Community, Holy in One,
we can seek to be your people,
even as we pray as you taught us, saying
(The Lord’s Prayer)
Call to Reconciliation
Arrogance, envy, harsh words, empty hands, pleasure in doing what we know is wrong – these are what we often use to fill our lives.  Let us confess in faith, trusting in the hope that God’s love restores us and makes us whole.  Please join me, praying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
   Ah, Lord God, we do not know how to speak words of hope, because we listen to the purveyors of fear.  We do not know how to be loving because our role models are ridicule and anger.  We do not know how to be faithful to you, because at an early age, we learned to trust the promises of all the false prophets who entice us with their simple thoughts.
   But you know how to forgive, God of kindness, so we pray you would pour out your mercy upon us.  May faith abide in us, so we may serve others even as you have served us; may hope abide in us, so we may surround the broken with your compassion and grace; may love abide in us, not only in these moments of brokenness, but in every moment of our life with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who abides in us.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
The good news is that, in our God, we find that safe place for our lives.  In God’s forgiveness, we are offered the healing we need.
In God’s acceptance, we discover the love in which we may abide in every moment of our lives.  Thanks be to God!  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
We do not need to speak in tongues, but to offer words of encouragement.  We do not have to be know-it-alls, but those who work to life the burdens off those around us.  We do not need to give everything, but we will join our gifts with those of others to reach out, in love, to those who have nothing.  This we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of love be with you.
And also with you.
Do not be afraid to offer your hearts to God.
We do so, knowing they will be filled with God’s love.
Always and forever, let us praise our God.
Here, now, every day, everywhere,
we will offer our songs to the One who abides.

You could have spoken any tongue,
God of every love, but you
silenced the cacophony of chaos
with the simple words, ‘let there be,’
and creation, in all its goodness and beauty
sprang forth from the depths of your heart.
Mysteriously, you chose to create us
in your image, knowing we might reject you,
   which we did, placing our faith in death,
   learning more about death than we ever dreamed.
Empowered with your words, prophets came
to remind us of what would happen,
   but because we loved sin and death more,
   we gained nothing from their advice.
So you gave us the priceless treasure
of your heart who, filled with your love,
handed over his body so we might gain everything.

With those who worry they cannot do what you ask,
with those who believe your word is fulfilled,
we join our voices in singing your praises:

Holy, holy, holy are you, God of abiding faith.
All creation sings of its hope in you.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who came as your love embodied.
Hosanna in the highest!

As patient as a cat waiting for
a sunbeam on a winter’s day,
kinder than a father teaching
his daughter how to repair a car,
   Jesus showed us love in so many ways.
He never blew his own horn or
wished he was someone else;
he never bullied the vulnerable,
didn’t whine, and let go of every grudge.
He didn’t look the other way when
we were foolish, and encouraged
everyone to own up to their mistakes.
He picked up all of our burdens,
he trusted everyone the world discounts,
he looked beyond all our fears,
   as well as his own,
taking on everything sin
and death had to offer him
in order that everyone might
experience your resurrection love.

We may not have prophetic powers,
we may not know as much as we think we do,
but we can speak of that mystery of faith:

God’s Word came, offering his life in faith on the cross.
God’s Word comes to offer resurrection hope to all.
God’s Word will come, bringing love for each one of God’s children.

Your love has never retired, Eternal God,
but your Spirit pours it out upon
the gifts of the Table and those gathered around it.
This bread, though broken, will feed us
so we might be able to
   bear the brokenness of those around us,
   believe in all those doubted by the world.
The cup, containing faith, hope, and love,
will send us into the world,
   to serve in the belief
      that justice has no future;
   to endure until peace becomes the reality
      rather than the fantasy of a few.

And when we run out of things
to say and words drift away,
when we have to more to learn,
when your fullness comes and
all the pieces of life fall into place,
your children will see you clearly,
God in Community, Holy in One,
knowing you as well as you know them,
rejoicing that
   your steadfast love,
   the grace of Jesus, and
   the Spirit’s hope
rest forever in your love
even as we all will.  Amen.

God touches our mouths,
so we may go to share the good news.
Jesus touches our hands,
so we may serve all in need of life and hope.
The Spirit touches our hearts,
so we may be a haven for those
who are longing for acceptance and love.

(c) Thom M. Shuman

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Liturgy w/communion for January 26, 2025 (Third Sunday after Epiphany - C)

 Texts: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Luke 4:14-21

Call to Worship
Loud talkers and silent worriers,
glad-handers and lonely wallflowers:
God gathers us together to be the Body
of wonder and joy, of hope and healing.
Bystanders with hands shoved into our pockets,
fraidy-cats whose feet are frozen in place:
Jesus calls us to carry grace to outsiders,
to walk with all those left behind.
Kids who never offer answers in class,
bashful folks whose tongues tie in knots:
The Spirit anoints us to speak up for the voiceless,
to partner with the poor to discover their gifts.

Prayer of the Day
Every day sings of your glory,
each night lullabies us to sleep;
and in every moment between
your grace silently laps upon
the shores of our souls,
Imaginative God.

You fulfilled the prophet's hopes,
Faithful Servant,
your voice racing through the valleys
of our despair to bring us hope,
your feet gently walking by our side
over the dusty roads of death.

More than any prize we might win,
we long for the riches of your joy;
more than all the world's empty calories,
we hunger for the fullness of your love;
more than all the fears promised to us,
we embrace the peace of your heart,
Anointing Spirit.

You are our promise, our hope, our fulfillment,
God in Community, Holy in One,
and so we pray with one voice,
(The Lord's Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
We are afraid to join hands with others; we want to listen to those who speak falsely; we glibly offer silliness to those we love the most.  Let us share with God how we have not been that Body we are made for, that God might reshape us into that holy community, even as we pray together, saying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
   Do we make you laugh or weep, Gracious God?  We sing that we are one in your Spirit, but cannot tolerate those who disagree with us.  We talk of being one Body, but fight over music or Bible versions or carpet colors.  We affirm the giftedness of each person, but we heap honor on just a special few.
   Forgive us, Creative God, that we dismember your Body so easily.  May the words of our mouths speak peace to the brokenness in our world; may the hopes of our hearts bring wonder to those in despair; and may our love embrace all who are around us, even as we have been welcomed by your grace in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
Forgiven, we are filled by God's Spirit, commissioned to be Christ's hope, Christ's people for the world.
Anointed, we can care for one another, weep with one another, serve one another, and live with one another.  Thanks be to God.  Amen.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
Though many different amounts and ways, when gathered up by you, our gifts become a food pantry, a rebuilt life, medicine for children, a caregiver to the lonely - your grace in action.  In love we offer these gifts in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the Spirit anoint you!
And you, as well!
Grace is offered to us by our God of love.
We open our hearts to receive this gift.
Join all creation in praising God.
In every moment, we sing of God's wonders.

When the time came, God of the ages,
you opened up chaos
and creation sprang forth, all
the parts arranged to work together:
   seeds burrowing into rich soil,
   water nurturing the young roots,
   the sun to raise the plants ever higher,
   animals to be nourished by such goodness.
But you were not finished, shaping us
in your imaginative likeness, so we could
be filled with your Spirit,
   but we chose to open
   the gifts of sin instead.
Prophets gathered us tie and again
to draw us back to you,
   but we paid attention only
   to the empty words of death.
So you sent your perfect Hope
to us in the birth of Jesus.

With the weak as well as the strong,
with the disreputable and the righteous,
we lift our voices as one to you:

Holy, holy, holy are you, Opener of your heart.
Each day, each moment, creation tells of your love.
Amen!  Amen!

Blessed is the One who fulfills your words.
Amen!  Amen!

One in holiness with you, Joyful God,
your Child set aside glory
to become one of us.
Because we had failed to pay attention,
   he began to teach
   of your dreams for us.
Because we were so empty,
   he brought the deep riches
   of your grace to us.
Because we were held captive,
   he let sin slam the cell door
   behind him as he entered the grave,
only to be set free by you
when the time came.

Though from many places, with many hopes,
we are made one by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus,
a mystery we proclaim in every moment:

Christ died, finish his life on earth;
Christ was raised, as you accomplished life for all your children;
Christ will return, to fulfill your promises beyond this life.

Now is the time when your people
are gathered together at your feast,
so pour out your Spirit upon
the gifts of the bread and of the cup,
and on our sisters and brothers.
Strengthened by the bread of life, may we
   offer a hand to walk with those
      who cannot see the way,
   and lift oppression's burden
      off our neighbor's backs.
Filled with your grace, may we be anointed
   to carry your hopes and dreams
      to all in despair;
   to let loose all imprisoned
      by their fears.

And when there is no more time
to come but only infinite love with you,
gather us around your joyous feast,
as we join all creation in praising you,
God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

Now, we are scattered by our God,
to go carry grace into a broken world.
Now, Jesus scatters us,
to bring justice to the outsiders,
to visit all who are alone and lonely.
Now, filled with the Spirit, we are scattered,
to gather up the dispirited,
to take hold of the lost and embrace them as family.

(c) Thom M. Shuman

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Liturgy w/communion for January 19, 2025 (Second Sunday after Epiphany/Ordinary 2 - C)

 Texts:  Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11

Call to Worship
We come in these endless days, Precious God,
people in need of the constancy of your love:
may we drink deeply from your fountain of life;
may we continue to be guided by your Light.

We gather in these weary days, Water-changing God,
people looking for signs of hope and wonder:
may we drink deeply from your fountain of grace;
may our weariness be wrapped in your Hope.

We worship in these overwhelming days, Gifting God,
people who try to point others to Jesus:
may we drink deeply from your fountain of joy;
may our life be strengthened by your Life.

Prayer of the Day
With you, Enduring Joy,
we find our refuge,
in these worrisome times.
In the shelter of your compassion,
we are made whole
from the brokenness of these times ;
in the abundance of your grace,
we are fed ti strengthen us to persevere;
in the depths of your living waters,
we are transfigured into 
the fragrant wine of compassion.

With you, Revealer of Glory,
we are filled to the brim
with the deep flavor of justice.
Our lips cannot contain your praise
but will sing your hopes to all.
Our hearts overflow with your spirit
as we are poured out for others.

Activating Spirit,
we find our common life
in this community of faith
both in person and online.
Made one by our common confession,
we will take our uncommon gifts
so we can share them with all.

Same in love, same in grace,
God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as Jesus taught us, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
Ignorance is no excuse, we know how our lives do not reflect God's grace, God's hope, God's justice.  But God will not give up on us, but is waiting to forgive us and call us as God's children.  Please join me as we pray, saying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
   Delight of the Ages, we cannot remain silent, but must speak of the ways we misuse your gifts.  In our desire to have more and more, we cause more damage to your good creation.  In our obsession with ourselves, we have desolated the lives of those around us.  When we hoard what you have given us, we cannot be a blessing to other people.
     Forgive us, Restless God, so we might be restored to life.  May your steadfast love save and strengthen us to share our gifts with others, even as you have shared the Gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
God delights in you.  So much, that God will not rest until you are at peace.  God will not remain silent, but will call you by name: 'My Delight.'
God's steadfast love extends to the heavens, and reaches down to touch our hearts.  Thanks be to God who forgives and saves us!  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
Sometimes, we believe the gifts we offer do not matter.  But when they are combined with all the other gifts – of healing, of hope, of compassion, of your heart – they can become rivers of grace and justice flowing through the lives of everyone around us.  We offer our gifts to you in this hope, as we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of steadfast love be with you!
And also with you!
Here, we will find refuge in our God.
Here, our hearts may be offered for healing and hope.
Let us feast on the abundance of God’s grace.
We will sing glad songs as we come to this Table.

You could not rest, Steadfast Love,
until creation had emerged from chaos;
you would not keep silent
but spoke the Word which
   placed the sun like a burning torch,
   caused the moon to shine like the dawn,
   crowned the night sky with stars.
Shaped in your image, you delighted in us,
   but we forsook you for sin,
   moving into the neighborhood called Desolation.
Prophets came repeatedly, to remind us
of your never-ending delight in us,
   but we thought their words
   were of no concern to us.
So you sent your Child to us,
the One who would fill us
to the brim with your gracious hope.

So with our sisters and brothers around us,
in the midst of the richness of your gifts,
we celebrate your steadfast love for us:

Holy, holy, holy are you, Refuge of our hearts.
All creation sings of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who is the same Lord of all.
Hosanna in the highest!

Holy are you, Light in whom we see light,
and Jesus is your vindication for all to see.
He could have rested in glory,
   but came hurrying to gather
   us up in your grace.
He could have remained silent in disapproval,
   but spoke over and over
   of your steadfast love for us.
He could have joined the world
in calling us all sorts of names,
   but whispered that we are
   your beloved children.
He could have forsaken us,
   but went into death’s desolation,
   so you would rejoice over him
   on Resurrection’s morning.

As we remember the life he led and offered to all,
as we look for signs of his presence in our midst,
we would proclaim that mystery we call faith:

Christ died, faithful to the very end;
Christ was raised, your righteousness drawn
   out of the depths of death;
Christ will come, so we will no longer be alone.

The same Spirit which moved over the waters
is now poured out over the gifts
of the bread and the cup, created from
the rich variety of creation’s gifts.
This bread, though broken,
strengthens us to be your people,
   who will not remain silent,
      but will confront injustice;
   who will not rest until
      all the broken are healed.
The cup, dipped into grace’s river
and handed to us, sends us forth
to be a fountain of life,
   where empty longings might
      be filled with love;
   where desolation might be
      replaced with hope.

And when, at the end of all time,
we are gathered in Beulah land,
we will be seated with our sisters
and brothers at your Feast,
where we will discover you have save
the best until then, as we sing to you,
God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

God sends us out to the lonely, the forsaken,
all those forgotten in these weary times.
We will go to gather them up into the heart of love,
to welcome them as our siblings.
Jesus calls us yo throw a party for those 
who are hungry for hope, who thirst for justice.
We will go to be with those who sit at empty tables,
who long to taste the sweet bouquet of grace.
The Spirit sends us forth, 
transformed from the foolish to the faithful.
We will go to those who walk in the muck of life,
who yearn for new days, of joy and wonder. 

(c) Thom M. Shuman