Texts: Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31
Call to
L: Alleluia! Christ is risen!
P: The whole creation
the birds sing from every tree.
L: Alleluia! Christ is in
our midst!
P: Babies babble with sounds of joy;
words cannot express
our overflowing hearts.
L: Alleluia! Christ is our light forever!
Breathing peace on us in these moments;
surrounding us with grace and
Prayer of the Day
All that is good and beautiful
are the
generous gifts
from your heart of love.
All the grace we will ever
is held out to us
in your hands of hope.
We have nothing
from you, God of Easter.
By your living example,
we can set
aside our fears
to live as God's faithful children.
By your
we can stand in the midst of the broken,
and share healing
with them.
We can do nothing apart
from you, Brother of our
You are the Breath which gives
us the gifts and lives
pour out for others.
You are the composer
of songs of joy which
throughout the universe.
We are nothing apart
from you, Spirit of
God in Community, Holy in One,
may we never be apart from
even as we pray as we are taught,
(The Lord's Prayer)
Call to
Afraid that God will find out how faithless
we are, we try
to lock up our hearts so God
cannot see our foolish lives and
Let us confess our sins to the One who offers
us peace and
healing, as we pray together,
Unison Prayer for
Hear the echoes of our locked hearts, Path
of Life. We
cross the borders into temptation
and never seem to find our way back. We
the sorrows of others by our hurtful words and
the harmful deeds
we do. We see the ones you
would give us to serve, but believe we do not
the abilities to care for them.
Have mercy on us, God whose
Breath gives us
life. Walk through the closed doors of our worries
doubts to stand in our midst, offering us that
grace which can heal us, that
hope which can enliven
us, and that faith which enables us to follow
Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Silence is kept
Assurance of
L: It is God's great mercy through the resurrection
of Jesus which
gives us that hope which lives within us.
P: Thanks be to God for this
precious gift by which
we are able to believe and rejoice in our
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
L: May the God of
mornings be with you.
P: May the God of evenings be with you.
L: Do not
fear, but open your hearts to God.
P: We offer them to the One who is our
living hope.
L: Rejoice! The Lord of life is always with us.
P: We sing
glad thanksgivings to our God.
In the evenings of creation,
God, you looked and saw
all that was good and beautiful:
pines reaching to the sky,
lochs and glens brimming with life;
chains of islands in the warm seas.
The Holy Spirit breathed upon
whispering, 'receive creation,' as your gifts
were entrusted to our
but sin enticed us into its
closed room of fears,
the key of death in the lock.
Prophets came, standing among
speaking of your invitation to come home,
but we refused to
to what they had to say.
Determined never to abandon
you sent Jesus, to make known to us
the ways of life which your
With those who saw and witnessed,
with those who have not seen,
yet believe,
we sing with glad hearts to you:
P: Holy, holy, holy are
you, God of are evenings.
All creation rejoices in the good news of
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the One who
stands among us.
Hosanna in the highest!
In the evenings, your
holiness never rests,
and Jesus Christ, the risen One, is ever with
Into the closed rooms of our lives, he comes,
breathing Spirit's
using grace and hope, he picks
the locked doors of our
that he might be with us;
showing us his hands and side, he
us that death can no more cling
to us, than it did to
for you will never abandon us.
As we believe, though we have not
as we rejoice in that living hope which is ours;
we speak of faith,
that mystery more precious than gold:
P: Christ died, believing what he
could not see;
Christ was raised, becoming our living hope;
Christ will come, bringing our inheritance kept for us.
In the evenings
of our lives,
you send the Spirit to fill us with peace,
as the bread and
the cup
are filled with the life and grace of Jesus.
Cradling the broken
in his nail-scarred hands,
Jesus shows us
his grieving
his hungry sisters,
so we may go to serve
Handing us the cup of living hope,
we are invited to drink
and then go into the world
to offer peace to those wearied by
to give freedom to all who are oppressed,
to share grace
with those who need it most.
And when the last evening comes, you
gather us in that upper room called your heart,
where we will feast
with all your children,
forever singing our praises to you,
God in
Community, Holy in One. Amen.
L: Go forth in the love of
P: We will take this love into
unlovely parts of our
L: Go forth in the grace of Jesus Christ.
P: We will look for him
in the faces
of every person we meet.
L: Go forth in the peace of
the Spirit.
P: We will share this hope
with our broken
© 2014 Thom M. Shuman