Texts: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19; 1 Peter 1:17-23;
Luke 24:13-35
Call to Worship
Lift your voices to God.
We call on the One who promises to hear us.
In life, in death, in every
moment, God deals graciously with us.
We rejoice in the One who
saves us.
We will break the Bread of life in thanksgiving to God.
We will lift up the Cup of salvation, drinking deeply from
Prayer of the Day
When every day seems the same,
with no one
listening to our dreams,
our hopes, our fears and worries,
you pause, God
our Baker,
turning your head
so you can read our lips.
When every
road seems the same,
filled with despair's potholes,
littered with pain's
you come alongside us, God our Lover,
pointing out that side
that will take us to Abba's Fine Eats.
When every step trips us
when every loss weighs us down,
when every grief breaks our
you come, God our Keeper,
with your book of grace
filled with
easy words
and lots of pictures
to teach us hope.
When every one
ignores us,
when every thing disappoints us,
you walk with us, you talk
with us,
you refuse to abandon us,
God in Community, Holy in One,
hear us as we pray as we are taught,
(The Lord's Prayer)
Call to
When we confess our lives, we are calling on God who
promises, not only to hear us, but to heal us with forgiveness and hope.
Join me, as we pray together saying,
Unison Prayer for
We cut you to the heart, Loving God, with the silly
choices we make. We had hoped our lives would reflect your presence, but
those around us can see how empty we are. We had hoped our words might
bring healing, but they end up hurting those we love the most. We had hoped to find Jesus, but cannot see him in all those you send to us.
Oh, how foolish we are to think we can go on without your mercy, Lord God.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, you judge us impartially from the
depths of your heart, so we may be born anew by your grace, to continue
the journey into your future.
Silence is kept
Assurance of
This we know for certain - we are forgiven by our gracious
God. This good news never ceases to astound us!
This promise is
passed on to us, so we may share it with everyone we meet. Thanks be to
God. Amen.
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of Emmaus
roads be with you.
And also with you.
Fellow pilgrims, give your
hearts to God.
We offer our cold hearts to the One who will
set them on fire.
Alleluia! Sing songs of glad praise.
We will sing of the risen Lord.
Before the foundation of creation
poured out of your heart,
God of astounding imagination,
your Word
whispered and
elephants trumpeted in the veldt,
whales sang in
the ocean deeps,
gases whirled and swirled into galaxies.
The Spirit
moved upon those shaped
in your image, breathing life into us
so we might
live within your grace,
but we put out our hands,
letting death
handcuff us
and lead us away from you.
Prophets came, interpreting
your love
and hope for us with words and deeds,
but we did not
recognize them,
going on our way without them.
So you sent Jesus to
to astound us with the news
that you would never give up on
With those who are far away,
with those who are right next to
we offer our thanksgivings to you:
Holy, holy, holy are you, God
our listener.
All creation is made new by your Word.
Hosanna in the
Blessed is the Bread of heaven who opens our
Hosanna in the highest!
Because you are holy, you are
God of our every moment,
and being Grace itself, your
was willing to become one of us.
He took on our humanity,
your love might be seen
He blessed us, when the
of the world cursed us
and tossed us aside.
He broke the
power of sin
by dying on the cross,
and he gave death its
as he walked out of the tomb
from which you
him to new life.
Baptized at the font as your beloved
sustained by the feast of the Lamb of life,
we speak of that
faith which seems so familiar,
yet is still a mystery:
died, suffering those things for us;
Christ was raised by God, walking
side by side;
Christ will come, and our eyes will be opened so we can recognize him.
We act as if we are going on,
but you urge us
to stay,
inviting us to this Table
where your Spirit blesses
the bread
and the cup,
and your children gathered together.
We take the bread you
have blessed
and in its breaking, our eyes are opened
to see the
despair around us,
to glimpse the grief of our friends,
witness to the suffering in our midst.
We take the cup you give us,
and as
we drink from it, our hearts burn
for the oppressed in our
for those we walk past,
for the hungry and
And at the same hour when all time ends,
we will return to
your heart,
finding our sisters and brothers gathered
together around the
Table of glory,
and join forever in singing your praises,
God in
Community, Holy in One. Amen.
The stone has been rolled
We will go to share this good news!
Jesus walks with us on
our journey.
We will go with him wherever the road takes us.
has opened our eyes.
We will go to serve everyone we see.
© 2014
Thom M. Shuman