Sunday, July 23, 2023

Alternate texts liturgy w/communion for July 30, 2023 (Pentecost 9/Trinity 8/Proper 12/Ordinary 17 - A)

 Texts:  1 Kings 3:5-12; Psalm 119:129-136; Romans 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Call to Worship
Come and worship, 
proclaim God's ways of faithfulness and steadfast love.
We will tell of God's love, 
which unfolds in our lives.
Come and worship,
for we are God's people, rejoicing in his graciousness.
God is always with us, 
there is nothing which can keep us apart.
Come to the One who tells stories; 
worship our God who keeps promises.
We rejoice with God 
who is with us always.

Prayer of the Day
In this kingdom
where the hopeless
are thrown into
Lake Forgotten forever,
   you cast your net,
   drawing them
   into your embrace,
   cradling them in your heart.

In this kingdom
where folks turn anorexic
gorging on greed,
while the poor scratch
in famine's fallow fields,
   you wander in,
   offering top dollar
   for the pearls of grace
   they uncover.

In this kingdom
where hope and faith,
patience and peace
have been sold as showpieces
for fancy museums,
   you come,
   purchasing them back,
   polishing off the dust,
   handing them back to us
   so we can see the reflection
of that kingdom
you forged for us,
God in Community, Holy in One,
even as we pray, saying
(The Lord's Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
It is not our past which keeps us from God, for that is behind us.  It is not our present, for God is with us on this day.  And our future is held tight in God's hands.  It is true - there is absolutely nothing which can separate us from God.  Whatever sins we have committed, God's forgiveness and love take them away forever.  Join me as we pray together, saying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
     What can we say about our foolish lives, God of Love?  Too often, we choose to worship power when we could serve others in humility.  We toss and turn at night, all those things over which we have no control keeping us wide awake, when we could turn them over to you.  No matter how many times we hear the news that death has lost its power over us, we dread that day and try everything we can to postpone it.
     For believing that our sins are more powerful than your mercy, forgive us, Grace of the world.  You cast out your net of grace so that all might be gathered into your kingdom.  Your Spirit carries the whispers of our hearts to you, and we are embraced with your hope, blessed with your love through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
Who has the right to judge us?  Only Christ.  Yet Christ died for us, Christ was raised for us, Christ reigns in power over us - Christ even prays for us!
This is the love which binds us to God forever.  There is nothing in this world, or beyond, which will keep us from being God's children.  Thanks be to God.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
We offer our gifts to you, Steadfast Love, not because you need them, but so others might be as blessed as we are by your presence, your power, and your peace.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God whose life is stronger than death be with you.
And also with you.
Come to the One who searches your hearts.
We open them to God, who justifies us.
Let us give thanks to God who shows us steadfast love.
We sing to the Lord, whose grace is kept in our hearts.

What then are we to say, God of creative thought?
You carved mountains out of valleys,
     poured rivers to the seas,
     created galaxies so numerous they cannot be counted,
     and shaped us from the dust of the stars.
You walked before us in righteousness,
inviting us to follow in your footsteps,
     but we bought fields filled with fools' gold,
     and threw out our nets until they
          overflowed with temptations.
Prophets came, to impart wisdom to us,
but tears ran down their cheeks as
we continued to be conformed to sin.
Turning to us, you were gracious enough
to send Jesus to us, to help us in our weakness.

With those who listen and understand,
with those who seek a discerning mind,
we sing our thanksgivings to you:

Holy, holy, holy are you, God who justifies us.
All creation rejoices in your steadfast love.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who reveals your kingdom.
Hosanna in the highest!

What then are we to say,
Searcher for God's most precious possessions?
Like a farmer,
     you plant seeds into insignificant people,
     watching them grow into servants.
Like a baker,
     you mix the least with the mighty,
                    the poor with the rich,
                    the weak with the strong,
     to shape your inclusive kingdom.
Like a lover,
     you withhold nothing from those
     you carry in your heart,
          even dying so that we might
          have life forever with God.

As we rejoice that Jesus gave us everything,
as we remember nothing stands between us and God,
we speak of that mysterious faith which is ours:

Christ died, giving up his own life for us;
Christ was raised, God's treasure brought forth
          from the potter's field;
Christ will intercede for us, with joy and hope.

What then are we to say,
Spirit of the Sighs?
In the bread shaped for the healing,
you unfold the Word to us,
     feeding us on God's hopes
     until we seethe over
     the injustices of our time.
In the cup prepared for the pouring,
     you fill us with light,
     so we can journey into
     the shadows of our world,
     searching for those thrown
     aside by our society.

And when time ends,
when there is nothing more to say,
we will sing our praises to you forever,
God in Community, Holy in One.  Amen.

Go forth to proclaim God's constant love.
We will live out that love for everyone we meet.
Go forth to unfold God's Word to the world.
We will gather up the tears of those around us,
as we offer the healing grace of Jesus.
Go forth to tell stories of hope and peace.
We will spread the Spirit of life all around us.

(c) Thom M. Shuman