Texts: Genesis 29:15-28; Psalm 105:1-11, 45b; Romans 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Call to Worship
On this day of worship, we call on God's name,
and hear our own invitation to work for the good of all.
Gathered with neighbors and strangers, we call on God's hope,
and discover that a lifetime of service seems but a few days.
In this place of praise and prayer, we call on God's love,
and receive that grace which is as old as creation,
yet as fresh as each morning.
Prayer of the Day
You shape us in your image,
not so we would puff up with pride,
but we might humbly serve others.
You have chosen us,
not because we are so special,
but that we might become hope
to a world bloated on despair.
Searcher of hearts,
we would tell of all your wonders.
You went and sold your life,
so you could buy us back
from sin and death.
You planted seeds of grace,
so that the lost, the little,
the least, the last, and even we
could make our homes in you.
Bearer of God's Heart,
we would tell all your stories.
You offer sighs from the depths
of the very heart of God,
when we cannot shape words.
With peace in your hands,
you step in to help resolve
all of our broken relationships.
Heart of reconciliation,
we would listen to your hopes.
God in Community, Holy in One,
we would tell of your presence in us,
even as we pray as Jesus teaches us,
(The Lord's Prayer)
Call to Reconciliation
We spend so much time accusing ourselves, judging ourselves, punishing ourselves for what we have done, or not done. But God would draw us closer to the Heart of forgiveness, that we might be filled with healing and grace. Join me, as we pray together,
Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
What then are we to say about our lives, Searcher of our hearts? We know how often we have duped others with our deceit. We remember how often we promise one thing, only to do the opposite. We struggle to trust you, while we so easily listen to the promises of those who would pull us away from you.
Forgive us, Heart overflowing with mercy. Your grace is more powerful than any of our sins, your hope is more durable than our silly choices, your love will traverse anything, and everything, which separates us from you. In Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we are forgiven!
Silence is kept
Assurance of Pardon
Hear the good news: the One who could accuse us, saves us from sin and death. The One who could condemn us, cradles us in grace. The One who could punish us, prays for us.
Now we know, there is nothing, not a thing, that can separate us from God. Thanks be to the One who forgives us. Amen.
Prayer of Dedication/Offering
Homelessness, hunger, injustice, polarization - there is so much we seem to be able to do anything about. So, we offer our gifts, our hearts, our energy, our lives in the hope that nothing will get in the way of your Beloved Community continuing to be in our world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the Lord of the kingdom be with you!
And also with you!
Children of God, offer your hearts to the One
who calls us to serve the world.
We embrace the God of the loving heart.
God's people, sing praises forever and ever.
We rejoice in the One who will not allow anything,
not a thing, to keep us apart.
Hearts overflow with praise,
Good and Generous God,
for from you comes all that we need.
You gathered up all your dreams
and shaped them into the gift of creation:
bright blue skies that flow forever,
kittens chasing butterflies in backyards,
children whose hopes know no end.
The seeds of grace and peace
blossomed into that garden
which could have been our home,
but we chose to go out and buy
the fallow fields of sin and death,
to harvest the pearls of rebellion.
Prophets came, to tell us of hearing
the deep sighs of your broken heart,
but we thought their words
to be flights of foolish fantasy.
Your heart set so that nothing
might ever separate us from you again,
you sent Jesus to bring
your treasure of grace to us,
a treasure as old as the universe,
as new as your joy for each of us.
So, we join our voices with Jacob and Leah,
with Rachel, Laban, and all your children,
forever singing our praises to you,
Holy, holy, holy are you, word-keeping God.
All creation tells of your wonderful deeds.
Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed is the One who is the treasure of your kingdom.
Hosanna in the highest!
Holy are you, Covenant Rememberer,
and blessed is Jesus Christ,
the great Treasure of your heart.
He could have stayed at your side,
but came to cast his net to gather
sinners into your kingdom.
He could have shaken his head in silence
at all the foolish choices we make,
but told us stories of the One
whose heart overflows with mercy.
He could have left us on our own,
trying to make ourselves right,
but gave himself up to death,
to prove that nothing, nothing,
can separate us from your love.
As we remember his life, his teachings,
his death, and his rising to new life,
we would speak of that mystery we call faith:
Christ died, with love more powerful than hate;
Christ was raised, with life too strong for death;
Christ will come, with grace too deep for words.
Heart of goodness and joy,
send your Spirit upon us now,
that She might enliven this bread,
so that fed, we might spend
the rest of our lives
in service to your children.
Immerse your Spirit
in the cup of mercy,
so that as we drink from it,
we may go forth to be poured out
in lifetimes of compassion and caring
to those who hunger for hope and healing.
And when that moment comes,
and you gather all your people
from every place and time,
to feast at the Table of grace,
we will lift our voices in praise to you,
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.
Now in this moment, God calls us to go forth.
We will let nothing get in the way
of working for the good of all.
Now in the place, Jesus sends us out.
We will let nothing get in the way
of sharing hope and justice with all.
Now as all of God's people, the Spirit scatters us.
We will let nothing get in the way
of being that grace which is as old as creation,
as fresh as our next breath.
(c) Thom M. Shuman