Sunday, February 15, 2015

Liturgy w/communion for February 22, 2015 (Lent 1 - B)

Texts: Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10;1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15

 Call to Worship
We come, so God might open our eyes,
that we may discover the wonders surrounding us;
that we may embrace the joy deep within us.
We gather, so Christ might widen our hearts,
that we may hear the sounds of brokenness around us;
that we may sing the melodies of hope.
We are here, so the Spirit might teach us the ways of humility,
that we may walk that street named Enduring Love;
that we may wait at the corner called Faithfulness.
Prayer of the Day
How you love us, God of rainbow promises!
Like a mother who teaches her son
the steps for his first dance,
like the father who goes out
with his daughter after work
so she can learn how to drive,
you love us that much and more.
How you offer yourself to us, Brother of the beloved!
You gather us up in your arms,
simply to hear our deepest hopes;
you reach out your scarred hands
to gently wipe our fears away;
you stain a cross with your blood,
so we might washed clean in the tears
pouring down God's face.

How you share yourself with us, journey's Spirit!
You bathe our wearied souls
in the cooling waters of baptism;
you wipe the dust of the wilderness
out of our eyes so we can see the kingdom;
you teach us those ancient ways
which offer new life for each of us.
God in Community, Holy in One,
be with us in this Lenten season,
even as we pray, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
God takes our broken promises and turns them into vows of faithfulness.  God takes our biggest failings and shapes lives of service. God listens to our prayers of confession and changes them into songs of mercy. Let us come to the One who pours forgiveness into our lives, praying,
Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
     We admit we are hesitant to walk to Jerusalem and beyond with you, God of Glory. In a world where we worry about tomorrow before enjoying today, we race by your moments of silence, of learning. In that flood of worries, which can overwhelm us, we may miss that assurance that you have not cut us off from your grace.  In the deserts of our desires, we may ignore that feast of hope, of joy, of life you offer to us.
     Forgive us and have mercy on us, Gentle Guardian of our souls. In humility, may we offer our lives to others.  In love, may we share your grace with everyone we meet. In hope, may we wait for you all our days, as you come to us in the life and joy of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
In this place we find God's word, God's way, God's love, God's forgiveness. What more do we need to sustain us as we continue as pilgrims along the Way?
In every wilderness, on every road;
in every moment, in every life;
in every journey, in every heart,
we receive the daily bread we need - God's hope, God's mercy, God's joy. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/offering
Not tomorrow, but today we are offered the chance to become a part of your healing work, of bringing peace to a broken world, of feeding the hungry, and welcoming the excluded.  Today, not tomorrow, we offer our gifts as well as our lives to this ministry of blessing and hope.  Amen.
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of Lent be with you.
And also with you.
People of God, open your hearts.
We open them to the One who calls us 'Beloved.'
Beloved of God, give thanks and praise to the One who loves you forever.
We sing our hymns of joy to the One who leads us into the kingdom.

Hearts overflow with you, Covenant Keeper,
as we lift our hearts to you.
When there was no time as we know it,
you crafted day and night,
so we could wait for you in every moment,
tasting the savory goodness of grace.
You imagined those moments
of gathering us to your side
to teach us all the wonder of your ways,
but we turned our ears towards
the whispered invitations of the Evil One,
running off to play in the wilderness
with rebellion and death our guides.
You recalled the promises you had made
to Noah, to Sarah, to Joseph, and to Hannah,
and so sent the prophets to remind us
of the good gift of your covenant
and to point out the ways to your heart.
When we continued to ignore their words,
you sent Jesus to be with us,
to set us free from the imprisonment
we had created for ourselves.

So, we lift our voices with those who waited patiently,
and with those who trust your covenantal promises,
joining the choirs of heaven and earth,
who forever sing of your hope and love:
Holy, holy, holy are you, Everlasting God of grace.
Every living creature in heaven and earth sing your praises.
Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who sits as your right hand of mercy.
Hosanna in the highest.

Faithful and holy are you, Creator of all,
and blessed is Jesus Christ, Steadfast Love and Hope.
When he could have stayed at your side
during the days of our rebellion and pride,
he came to be our friend and guide.
When he could have feasted on your power,
in those days of glory with you,
he came to prepare a Table for us
where our hardened hearts might be softened,
and our broken lives might be made whole.
When he could have the angels waiting on him,
he came to serve us your forgiveness and grace,
enduring death on the cross
so we could have life forever.
As we begin once more our Lenten journey,
as we seek to follow faithfully, remembering
the life, the death, the resurrection of Jesus,
we tell the story of that mystery we call faith:

Christ died to set us free from sin;
Christ was raised to break the power of death;
Christ will come again, to bring the kingdom
    as close to us as God's heart.
Pour out your Spirit of imagination
upon this bread, and this cup,
gifts of your good and wonderful creation.
As we are embraced at the Table
by the One who has prepared it for us,
may we open our hearts to welcome
our sisters and brothers.
As we have been set free by your love,
may we proclaim freedom to the prisoners
confined by fear and oppression;
as we are filled with the Bread of life,
may we never cease feeding
the hungry of our world;
as we are nurtured by compassion's cup,
may we go out into the wilderness around us,
to take the lost, the last, the least, the little
by the hand to walk together
into that kingdom prepared for all your children.

And when we are gathered around the Table
with your beloved children of every time and place,
our songs will join together as our tears of joy mingle,
singing your praises forever and ever to you:
God of David and Rebecca, of Mary and Noah;
Jesus of the outcast and lonely;
Spirit of those who seek peace and reconciliation:
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen and Amen.
Let us go now, as God's people.
May God open our eyes to the wonders of creation
and the joy we can offer to those we meet.
Let us go now, as followers of Jesus.
May he open our ears to the cries of the broken,
to the words of hope which others offer to us.
Let us go now, as those filled with the Spirit.
May we follow the Spirit down Enduring Love Street;
may we embrace our sisters and brothers at Faithfulness Corner.

(c) Thom M. Shuman