Friday, June 22, 2018

Liturgy with communion for July 1, 2018 (Pentecost 6/Trinity 5/Proper 8/Ordinary 13 - B)

Texts: 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

Call to Worship
Come among us, Healing God; we wait for you.
We come, hungry for your Word to bless us.
Come among us, Compassionate Christ; we hope in you.
We come, hungry to be filled with the Bread of Heaven.
Come among us, Restoring Spirit; we wait and hope in you.
We come, eager to rest in your peace.

Prayer of the Day

With you,
God of Wholeness,
those who work the graveyard shift of life
find the dawn of resurrection;
those who look for healing
are led to the living waters.

Christ our Companion:
richer than Gates or Buffet,
you chose to become
as poor as Mother Teresa,
to touch us with hope;
you set aside Glory's robe,
to wear the servant's towel,
so we might touch you
and be made whole.

Spirit of Grace:
you encircle us
with love which never ends;
you touch us with grace
which mends all brokenness;
you pour out mercy,
which heals any wound we cause.

God in Community, Holy in One,
we lift the prayer Jesus has taught us, saying,
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation
There is nothing, nothing, which can divide us – in life and death - from God.  So let us confess our worst faults and eager failings, so we may be touched by the healing power of God.  Join me as we pray together, saying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
We want to touch the hem of your garment, O God.
   Forgive us for being afraid to touch
   those who come to us for hope;
we want to love the whole world:
   forgive us for ignoring our neighbor;
we long for peace:
   forgive us for the pain we inflict
   on our families and friends;
we want to share with those we love and like:
   forgive us for walking past
   those who need you most.

Forgive us, Loving God, for we do not excel
in everything you call us to do.
Give us grace:
   to touch those who frighten us;
   to carry the Bread of Life to the hungry;
   to offer the blessings of the kingdom
       to everyone we meet,
even as you have graced us in Christ Jesus,
our Lord and Savior.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
Listen to the Good News!  Hope in God, for God's love has no ending; God fills us with grace and hope, this day, and forever.
God hears our voice, and listens to our prayers, redeeming us from all our sins.  Thanks be to God, we are forgiven.  Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
From our present abundance, we offer our gifts to you, Generous Heart, so that the hungry might be fed, so that the broken might find healing, and so the grieving might be comforted.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Open your hearts to God.
We open our hearts to the God of healing and joy.
Lift your songs to God.
We offer glad songs to the One who brings us wholeness.

Hear our voices
as we sing our joy to you,
God of the listening Heart.
You reached out
and touched chaos
with your imaginative Spirit,
proclaiming goodness and wholeness
as Creation burst forth.
Shaping us in your image,
you breathed life into us,
so we could be united with you.
But grasping the hem of sin,
we chose to be dragged through
the mud of despair and death.
Your steadfast love
would not forsake us,
singing to us in the prophets' voices.
When you could
no longer wait
for us to turn back to you,
you came to us
in Jesus Christ,
Companion of the broken.

So we lift our voices in praise,
joining with those in heaven and earth,
who forever praise your name:

Holy, holy, holy are you, God who hears our voices.
More than those who watch for morning,
   all creation waits for you.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who comes with healing grace.
Hosanna in the highest!

Holy are you, Listener to our deepest longings,
and blessed is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
He emptied himself of Glory's riches,
so we could be filled with grace and hope;
he endured our suffering,
so we could be healed;
he was broken,
so we could be made whole;
he died,
so we would live with you forever.

As we remember his life for us
as we seek to grasp the hem of your grace,
we tell of that mystery we call faith:

Christ died, so we might be made well and live;
Christ was raised, death overcome with amazement by the resurrection;
Christ will return, calling to us, ‘children, get up!’

Come among us, Source of healing,
your Spirit gracing the bread and the cup,
and nourishing your children
gathered at your Table.
Mend our broken hearts,
so we may love all your children;
touch our wounded souls,
so we may embrace all those
cast out by the world;
fill us with your gracious gifts,
so we may overflow in generosity
to those in need.

Then, when that Day of Joy comes,
and we are all made new,
and we see completely,
we will fill your Heart
with joy and praise,
singing to our
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.

Go now to where you find friends and neighbors,
as well as family and strangers.
We will share that never-ending love of the Healer of all.
Go now, with that faith which dares to touch the outcast,
with hearts that break for the pain of others.
We will share the compassion of the Friend of the broken.
Go now, carrying word and wonder to a weary world,
waiting in silence for the songs of hope to sing to all creation.
We will follow the Dryer of tears wherever we are led.

© Thom M. Shuman