Sunday, February 05, 2023

Liturgy w/communion for February 12, 2023 (Epiphany 6 - A)

Texts: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Psalm 119:1-8; 1st Corinthians 3:1-9; Matthew

Call to Worship
You could have stayed in bed,
you could be eating breakfast out.
We have chosen to be in this place,
feasting on God's words.

You could give a cold shoulder to your neighbors,
you could warm yourself in front of the fire.
We have chosen to see God with more
than just a sliver of our hearts.

You could be chasing after the world's idols,
you could be listening to television's talking heads.
We have chosen to serve the One
who blesses us with life.

Prayer of the Day

Mothering God,
you nurse us with the milk
of blessing and joy,
so we may grow in faith
to feast on grace and hope.
You plow the fields of our hearts,
planting the seeds of love,
so we may be your people.
We hold fast to you,
God of Choices.

You provide the road may
for our journey, so we will not
wander down blame's alleys.
When we choose sides
by our quarreling and cliques,
you reconcile us to each other
with your words which are true.
We hold fast to you,
Jesus of Reconciliation.

Blessed with the fresh breeze
of your presence and power,
we will continue to follow you,
trusting that you will lead us
into making the right choices
as the disciples of Jesus.
We hold fast to you,
Transforming Spirit.

God in Community, Holy in One,
we hold fast to you, even as we pray,
as Jesus has taught us, saying,
(The Lord's Prayer)

Call to Reconciliation

Following God is not like flipping a coin, and choosing sides. It is intentional; it is difficult; it is risky. That is why we know all the ways we have failed in our discipleship and need to come to God. We choose to confess, so we might embrace the forgiveness God offers to us. Please join me, praying,

Unison Prayer for Forgiveness
   Invited to walk in your footsteps, Wanderer of the Universe, we turn away to play hopscotch on the sidewalks of seduction. Given the chance to watch you work wonders of grace and renewal, we fixate on the idols of success and power. When you want to tell us stories of healing and reconciliation, we decline to hear your gentle voice.
   Have mercy on us, God of Blessings, and help us to choose to hold fast to your hand; to walk your
streets of wholeness and hope; to follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into the life you intend for us.  Amen.

Silence is kept

Assurance of Pardon
God's forgiveness dwells in our hearts; Christ's love fills us; the Spirit's peace guides our steps.
Our feet are set on the journey. Waling in faith and hope with our God, we will be servants to the world.
Thanks be to God, we are forgiven! Amen.

Prayer of Dedication/Offering
Help us to share from our abundance, rather than choose selfishness.
Help us to be incredibly generous, rather than choose to be misers.
Help us to seek reconciliation, rather than choosing to remain broken.
This we pray in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
May the God of life be with you!
And also with you!
People of God, come to the Table of blessing.
We seek God's grace whole-heartedly.
Draw near to the word of wonder and hope, children of God.
We praise God with our lips, serving others with our hearts.

You set before us those first days, Faithful God,
the goodness, the beauty,
the wonder, the mysteries of creation,
blessing beyond compare,
all given in hope and love to us.
Created to be with you, invited to walk with you,
our hearts turned away from yours,
being led astray by sin's desires,
bowing down at the altar of death.
You sent the prophets to us,
setting before us blessings,
challenging us to choose life.
But we would not listen to them,
but let lust continue to clog our hearts.
So you sent your Beloved to us,
letting your words be your Word,
your Servant of salvation for all.

We join our voices this day with all
who have faced the choices before us,
seeking your heart and singing your praise:

Holy, holy, holy, God of the blameless way.
All salvation holds fast to your Word.
Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is the One who comes to reconcile us to you and others.
Hosanna in the highest!

Our eyes are fixed on you, Holiness of the ages,
as we follow Jesus Christ, our Savior, our Teacher.
Setting aside his place with you and the Spirit,
he became flesh, fully human like us,
so we might grow in your faith.
Seeing the broken pieces of our lives
scattered at our feet around us,
he came to putt us back together,
making us one with you.
Knowing we were not ready
to look sin square in the eye,
he chose death on the cross,
so we might be blessed
with your life forever.

As we remember how Jesus remained faithful,
as we seek to walk in his blameless ways,
we tell of that mystery of faith:

Christ has died, seeking God whole-heartedly;
Christ was raised, God's Word being kept for us;
Christ will return, so we might not be put to shame.

Here in this place, with your people,
you set before us the blessings
of the Cup and of the Bread,
pouring out your Spirit
on your children and your feast.
As we eat the brokenness which makes us whole,
we will choose to follow your ways,
into the streets of the world
to bring justice and hope to all
who have been put to shame.
As we drink from the cup of life,
we will choose to be servants,
working together to bring reconciliation,
and peace to all shattered by violence.

And when you choose to bring time to a close,
when you choose to gather us around you,
we will join our siblings
from every time, and from every place,
who will forever sing your praises with upright hearts,
God in Community, Holy in One. Amen.

Let us go into the world with God's love,
choosing to share it with everyone we meet.
Let us go into our neighborhoods with Jesus' hope,
choosing to care for all who are in need.
Let us go with our lives full of the Spirit's peace,
choosing to offer it in all the broken places around us.

(c) 2023 Thom M. Shuman